
I'd probably be off-kilter too if I was being blackmailed into sleeping with the man who had me tortured and my ear cut off (and who happens to be my child's grandfather).

Particularly because the main cast has absolutely nothing to do with Wessex anymore. They could possibly have justified it if Athelstan was still alive, but there's no reason to have so much of an episode filled up by Wessex storylines at this point, particularly since they pretty much now portray everyone there (with

I don't care about Wessex. I don't care about Mercia. I only care about Rollo in Paris.

The synopsis of the first episode of Wings is: "Estranged brothers reunite at a small airport to try to find their recently deceased father's hidden fortune."

I had the chance to watch Wings on the big screen last year. The cinematography is still impressive 89 years later, particularly the aerial battle scenes.

I had trouble picturing the speaking and singing voice coming from the same person. Natalie Maines' singing was gorgeous, but it didn't really fit with the character they were portraying. It was more early Lurleen Lumpkin than homeless middle aged folk singer to me.

Or having a friend and being in a relationship at the same time. He's really devolved as a character, although I will give Ian props for still bringing his A game to what they give him.

So true! If Kai was somehow able to absorb all the magic from the Traveler spell that was protecting MF, you think a whole group of Heretics could successfully take the Huntress's magic.

"Huff..huff…Brazil!" Jairo's capoeira noises continue to make me laugh 6 seasons later, because I have an incredibly high-brow sense of humour, obviously.

It would have worked much better that way. If the Heretics had escaped from the prison world, only to immediately be tracked down by the Huntress, I think it would have made for a much better season. It could also have explained why they were all working to get Julian free, since they could have been desperate to

I meant it more in the fact that TVD has generally gone out of its way to not acknowledge the existence of the TO since it began. The characters have never mentioned looking for assistance from any of the Originals in the past few seasons, even when it would have made sense to do so, so it seems strange that Stefan

I suspect I'm just hate watching the show at this point. I can't figure out why I keep coming back,other than my sheer stubbornness to see it through to the end. Lately it's incredibly painful to get through an episode though. I really don't understand why they didn't work on creating a really cohesive plot this

Yes to all of this.

That's true. One of the biggest problems with this season has been them trying to humanize the Heretics, especially after all the buildup they received last season. If they're bad, just let them be bad.

Maybe they should set up cameras and just air that instead.

Same here. I never got caught up in TO, merely based on the TVD episode where they introduced all the characters. Not knowing what's going on could be a good or bad thing, depending on where next week's episode goes.

Maybe they're trying to get cancelled? It's honestly all I can think of at this point.

The ridiculousness of the Huntress is right up there with all the Traveler lore. It's becoming obvious that the show is scraping the barrel when it comes to Big Bads these days.

Exactly! Hell, this season would even have been a good opportunity for them to fix the Enzo/Damon friendship,which was incredibly important a few seasons ago but was quickly tossed aside for no reason. It would have been nice to have seen Enzo serve an actual purpose, instead of just being a general nuisance to

I think the Heretics are what ruined this season. Too much time has been spent developing a whole group of new characters that weren't used effectively or even needed. The show had a strong cast going into S7, and for some reason most of them have been sidelined to make room for these new characters no one cares