
So, it's come to having a crossover show, I see. At this point though I'm excited to have Klaus back briefly to breathe some new life into this calamitous season.

Thank you! The wanderer's wig choice was beyond ridiculous. I feel like that dude's got a really questionable past.

I'm really pleased with Rollo's storyline. Not only are they starting to tie in the history of the real Rollo, but it makes complete sense for him to align with the Parisians. This is the only way he will ever achieve a form of true ruling power, and the character has never had trouble turning on his people to further

All the time. The request has the opposite effect, for obvious reasons.

Josh and his tights stole my heart. He really needs to make another appearance.

The Mind-Blowing Adventures of Molly and Kyle, Psychic Terror Twins would be a spin-off that I would seriously consider watching.

I have my suspicions that the Kardashians are actually extraterrestrials, so there's a good chance they take them with a vengeance.

He's a good actor, but I can't picture Joel McHale as anything but Jeff. Maybe it's his never changing hair cut?

I saw an article last week in which a woman claimed that an alien took selfies with her cell phone. They were too blurry to see anything, naturally.

Side note, but I absolutely love that they used the old opening credits instead of coming up with something new set to the original theme. Such nostalgia! All the feels, guys!

"Do you want to know the terrifying truth, or do you want to see me sock a few dingers?"

Agreed, although Christmas in the Car is definitely Linda at her worst, so I understand his hatred in that specific instance. Linda's zany, self-centered schemes are generally a lot of fun (the dinner theatre comes to mind,) but she was genuinely awful in that Christmas episode.

Did it get renewed?! I am legitimately surprised. This season has been a dud.

I could definitely get behind this idea. Especially since it's going to be airing on Friday nights now.

I want more Ric. All the Ric, please.

I had the same thought tonight. I PVR'd the last 2 episodes, and am now finally getting around to watching them. I've been struggling to be invested in any of the storylines so far this season, and tonight's episode cemented the fact that I don't really care about any of the main characters anymore.

I imagine he's not a big fan of Fawlty Towers either then, which would be lame indeed.

I actually just LOL'd at number 4. Puberty was intense in the 1800s, guys.

1) This show is much, much better without the Heretic Mean Girls. Kill them off, please.
2) Enzo is a thousand times more interesting when he's interacting with Bonnie. He felt like a legitimate character in their scene! Please give him more scene like this, and many, many less about his sudden creepy obsession with

Remember that Alaric and Damon are best friends and they only interacted in one episode all last season. Enzo and Damon were also portrayed as besties in S5, but haven't really interacted since. This show doesn't really worry about friends interacting with each other on a regular basis, so the lack of Bamon in the