
Especially since she automatically victim-shamed Valerie when Stefan told her about what Julian did when he found out about the pregnancy. The fact that she would brush aside tragic information given to her by both her biological son and her adoptive daughter as lies just shows how twisted up in the abusive

I definitely agree. I can't sympathize with a character who knew her children were being abused by her horrible husband, but still took the opportunity to flee on her own, while not even bothering to come back for them at some point. She was roaming around the world until 1903, and at no point did she come back to

The perfect summary of S7.

Sad but true. This show was far more interesting when there were limitations, and thus real stakes, (pun intended) for the vamps who chose to hang around Mystic Falls.

That was pretty much the only interesting Jeremy storyline in about 4 seasons too, but the writers had glossed over his hunter abilities by the start of the next season. I don't like Jeremy, but they effective ruined his relevance to the show when they did that.

They're bound to. I'm sure they're going to tie it in with the Steroline relationship because of the whole Valerie pregnancy thing. Blech.

But it's 2015. Couldn't they just live together? You don't have to be married to raise kids together.

"Oh, that's why I've been so sick in the mornings!"

Agreed. I was hoping they would at least let Caroline offer to be a surrogate for some reason, but "SURPRISE, you're pregnant because magic" is creepy beyond words.

I can't think of any reason where it would be acceptable for Caroline to be engaged to her former high school teacher/current university prof, whether it's a ploy or not. Super weird.

This is perfect.

Although they seem to be setting up that vampires can somehow give birth to living humans, so I wouldn't be surprised if they ignored the logic of this either.

Yep, if you count her sort of flirtaition with Enzo. TVD apparently only knows how to write her as 'the girlfriend.'

Matt in that suit though…

Yeah, it's pretty out of left field. Caroline and Alaric being engaged is incredibly weird since he was her high school teacher and a stand-in father figure to her best friend. Funny how the writers don't mind glossing over that stuff.

The lesbian heretics' main problem pretty much every episode. each other's outfit

More Salvatore brothers fighting evil, less Caroline being a whiny, jealous girlfriend sidekick, please.

Aka live tweeting with her favorites.

Hahahahahahahahaha, of course they would cast someone who looks freakishly like Nina. Oh man, this is amazing.

Yes, she was pregnant with the twins when she died. I think she was fairly far along, although not about to burst, obviously. Someone really should mention that to other-Jo. Things are going to get weird.