

As long as she plays Katherine equally well.

No shame. We accept all TVD fans here. :)

I think someone mentioned last week that Caroline was going to somehow be magically impregnated with Ric's twins. This seems very creepy, no matter how they do it. And very, very soap opera-y.

It could be like a version of Where's Waldo - Find the Malarkey!

Especially a overly earnest husband who happens to be a recovering alcoholic who hunts vampires in his spare time. I love Ric, but the guy's got crazy baggage. I imagine this character will be gone pretty quick, if the rumours about Caroline being pregnant with his twins is true.

We can make it their ship name. We have the power!

It's sort of like Matt, to be honest. I love the guy, but he hasn't served a purpose on the show for years. He's mainly around because people like him.

Obviously the writers feel that there can only be one gay couple on this show at a time. These two only appeared after Luke was killed off.

Yes, early Enzo was great! He was clearly being set up to a selfish, snarky vampire with dubious morals and an indifference to human life (aka Damon's replacement since he was caught up in all of the Delena drama), and it was working. The first mistake they made was when he killed himself and then held it against

It'll probably happen, but it seems kind of uncomfortable, especially since she's supposed to be in the middle of this intense relationship with Stefan who just discovered he could have been a father. Caroline's sort of being relegated to the sidelines so far this season instead of being the female lead, which isn't

Except that disastrous one with Enzo last year. Side note: I love that Sarah Salvatore has been completely scrapped and everyone acts like she never existed. TVD logic at its finest.

He technically could be since the season will probably end 3 years in the future…

I decided to go back and read through a few of them, and it's a lot of fun to see what we were all guessing was going to happen. This is the best comment rediscovered:

Agreed. I don't mind Stefan and Valerie together. Somehow they seem to have less drama than Stereoline, despite the whole pregnancy thing.

I keep hoping they can somehow fix Enzo, since he was promising back in season 5. The writers have ruined his character by giving him completely stupid storylines, but I like Michael Malarkey in general enough to hope it gets better.

Wow, I had completely blocked that out. The human mind is an amazing thing.

It sort of sounds like Nina isn't interested in returning to TVD at all anymore, so I suspect she might be the one Bonnie was talking about.

If you're looking for everyone's comments about the first half of S6, check out the Reign episodes from the start of last year's season. A group of us borrowed/politely hijacked their comment section each week to talk about TVD, and it was lots of fun. Well, for us, anyways. Some of the Reigners probably wouldn't

What is this show doing to Caroline? Based on this episode, Valerie seems like the much saner, pulled together love interest for Stefan. All we saw of Car this episode were cutaways of her being insecure, needy, and weirdly confrontation. That's definitely a smart way to begin a relationship. She's becoming the worst