
He's pretty much a glorified MF security guard.

How would vampire pregnancy even be possible? Basic logic says two dead creatures shouldn't be able to reproduce, right?

The fact that they were wrapped up in their own seperate storyline last year is what made Steroline so unbearable. They were so removed from the rest of the cast last year that they ended up missing out on huge plots (like helping to save Bonnie from the prison world, or spending time with dying Sheriff Forbes), and

Enzo should be easy to kill off, but it wouldn't happen. He's still around despite have zero benefit to any of the plot lines last year. I suspect he's impossible to get rid of since Plec loves him.

I don't want Bamon to happen, for the sole purpose that their friendship is so great. Steroline has ruined the show's other (former) strong platonic friendship, and Bamon is more complicated because of how they both feel about Elena.

And all the Originals! #neverforget

No, and he really should. He completely brushed off the importance of his previous relationship with Elena after he started chasing Caroline, and he's turning out to be a complete womanizer. He also practically stalked Caroline all last season and peer pressured her to start dating him, which is creepy as all get out.

They seriously need to cut the 'watching Heretics force Caroline to help them plan out their outfits' sequences before I will accept that they are anything close to villains. We've had TWO in four episodes!

I'm all for Mary Louise and Nora's relationship (no matter how boring it is), but it does make me feel bad for poor Luke. The guy only got throw away lines about his relationships and never had an on-screen love interest, despite the fact that he was on the show for two seasons and was the show's first gay character.

At this point I really wouldn't be surprised if it's Bonnie or Jo.

1. I do not care about the Heretics. At all. Also sort of confused about the fact that they're apparently super baddies but the rest of the cast is always just casually interacting with them.
2. Steroline makes me very, very uncomfortable. I actually turn the channel when they're on now. Caroline's whiny jealously was

Mine was the opening credit sequence for Goosebumps. That dog with the glowing yellow eyes and the woman on the billboard morphing into a corpse still creep me out.

As a someone who read the book over and over (literally until it fell apart) as a child, the movie infuriated me because of the added soda pop scene and the Slugworth subplot. The fact that those elements were added despite not being in the book frustrated me so much that I still can't enjoy that version to this day.

I could definitely see Bon Bon feeling a lot of guilt (as she should,) but letting Alaric continue to possess an incredibly dangerous magic source for a dangerous cause seems stunningly stupid, especially since the Heretics are hunting for it too.

That would be a fair concern. Look how viciously they've been punishing Phil, after all.

Things go both ways. Phil 2.0 came in last season and effectively took over the society that Real Phil had worked so hard to form. He then succeeded in ostracizing both Todd and Real Phil, in Phil's case to the point where the entire group was fine with running him out of town.

Based on the look of this whole thing, I'd say much worse.

I think he's once of the rare TVD characters who are instantly likable because he's the only sane character in this entire show nowadays. He tried to peace out of Lily's weird cult and start his own life, only to be dragged back as collateral. He's like S1 Elena, but with more booze.

I would really have loved this Alaric storyline if it had happened when Jenna died, since she was a main character and her death impacted everyone directly. I never really cared about Jo, and I don't think any of the characters besides Alaric did either. Right now everyone just seems to be tolerating his wackiness.

I'm just glad Alaric has been tied in with the main cast again, instead of always being off by himself/with Jo like he was all last season. Both he and Damon are at their best when they're working together.