
I'm curious to see how Jo will come back too since she suffered a pretty intense stab wound. Will it be healed, or is it a zombie-type scenario where she is technically still dead so it doesn't matter? They've only tried the stone on vamps so far (aka the living dead), so how will it impact a mortal who died?

That would honestly be the worst thing possible. Can you imagine endless years of having a newborn baby in your house?

Maybe TVD should just hire all of us on this thread to write for them. I think we generally come up with better plots and character motivations than they do.

I think it could turn out to be their worst story line of the past few seasons, and that's saying something. The Heretics are already all over the place without adding this gong show, and we definitely don't need to have Stefan involved in yet another love triangle.

She would have the common sense to turn down an offer to be part of this trainwreck.

I hope they thank Ke$ha for letting them borrow her style. These girls look glitter-bombed Mad Max extras.

It's my go-to guilty pleasure movie. They wittily (and with surprising intelligence) poke fun at themselves, the ridiculous plot, and the comic all the whole way through. It was like a Mel Brooks movie designed for teenage girls.

That's what made Kai so appealing.

Geez, how many 'great loves' has Stefan had? Does he ever just have normal relationships or are they all epic?

This looks awful, and it breaks my childhood heart. If you're going to make a film adaptation of a beloved 80's show, for God's sake do it well.

Well, this episode was all kinds of cringe-worthy. The Stefan/Caroline/Valerie love triangle has officially killed my hope for the future of this show.

Apparently my wish has been granted.

Phil 2.0 is a raging sociopath; the other two women, no.

I doubt you would know if it was completely locked when you were in it. The top piece would be heavy, and I doubt you would be thrashing around wildly enough to realize it had a lot of give.

I'm surprised Carol didn't immediately take her up a flight of stairs again.

That would be Shemar Moore. Kodjoe doesn't kick in nearly as many doors.

I could get in on this theory. Maybe it could be part of the storyline for another Boyz 4 Now episode? Because we really need another one of those, stat.

I could definitely see that, especially since we've repeatedly seen that Phil 2.0 isn't exactly stable. He's got enough psychopathic tendencies that I could see him manipulating the others fairly easily.

They had to know that Phil wasn't self-sufficient enough to survive to the next town on foot. Why didn't they at least give him a vehicle to drive away in? I think Phil 2.0 just gave him the supplies for show.

Same Allen. I love that Bob has a conspiracy about him being replaced regularly though.