
The monster characters they dressed up as were also perfect replicas - mummy, werewolf, vampire, and Dr. Jekyll. The details were great.

I give this episode an A based on the Boyz 4 Now music video alone, which may or may not be a delightful rip off of the one for 'Backstreet's Back.' This show is pure gold.

They must have some type of garden since the one cheese was rolled in herbs.

I never thought I'd say this but…I hope it's Tyler. Or Matt I guess, since that would mean they both got their shit together and finally left MF.

Maybe they're trying to take on an AHS vibe? That show's been increasing in musical numbers every season too.

I'm so sad they decapitated him. If he had died in a more mysterious way, I could justify still hoping that he'll come back.

Ugh, exactly. Why does Carol still want to live with these people when they're so, so blatantly awful? She can see how terrible they're being to Phil, and that they're not going to change, so why stick around? I would have packed up and peaced out after the stocks situation.

I think the only one who has any reason to be that angry at Phil right now is Todd, since he was almost left for dead. I know Phil was a perv/generally creepy to the ladies last season, which is not okay, but Melissa just comes across as being really hateful. She's probably the one we're supposed to be supporting, but

He was definitely written to be extremely unlikable last year. At least you could always see where he was coming from though, misguided as he was. He hasn't done anything this season to justify their cruelness, and since we don't really get to know the other characters, they all just come across as overly spiteful.

Exactly. Even when he planned to leave Todd in the desert, he ultimately couldn't do it. Everyone else was perfectly fine with Phil 2.0 leaving Phil/Tandy out to die on his own though. They're all incredibly selfish assholes with a really skewed view of morality.Their glee at giving Phil/Tandy unnecessarily cruel

Is this a thing that's going to happen? If so, it's flippin' tables time.

Very true. I'm just suspicious that she will become the new Elena, in the fact that she will be continually captured so that a Salvatore can save their love interest. The writers seem to love the damsel-in-distress trope too much to not use it almost every episode, and it doesn't sit as well when it's Caroline, the

I was interested to see where they took Enzo's relationship with the Heretics, but if it turns out he just wants to sleep with Lily, I'm done. That would be insanely creepy, even by TVD standards.

I suppose, although their reasons for torturing her didn't sit well with me either. They were just so stereotypical, especially if it turns out that Valerie is manipulating Caroline because Stefan is her ex.

I don't know. Human Elena was definitely bad ass. True, she got kidnapped a lot, but she also sacrificed herself for others all the time. Also, remember when she stabbed herself to prove to Elijah that she wouldn't let him manipulate her? Bad. Ass.

Carrie, is "This Week, In Matt Donovan Is The Best" officially dead now?

I would watch that.

So, Caroline was instantly kidnapped and held as bait for a Salvatore brother, meaning it only took two episodes for her to become the new Elena. Oh wait, Elena was also taken hostage, despite the fact that she isn't on the show. And all so the Salvatores can have feelings. The lack of female empowerment this episode

TVD: We don't understand how house ownership works.

So…are we not going to see Tyler's exit from the show? I thought he was supposed to have a final scene, but maybe it got cut or something?