

Nope, and you shouldn't. Because she never said it.

I'm so glad you mentioned the Caroline/Enzo thing! I really thought that too. Stefan has the charisma of a week old loaf of bread lately though, so that doesn't help things either.

Getting rid of Katherine was a terrible, terrible mistake.

Same here. I'm ready to quit watching the show, but I'd really miss all our weekly conversations here. This community keeps me invested in this increasingly questionable show, guys.

Definitely. I miss the old days where there was a whole group of adults (as in, all the parents), and Jenna was the young kid trying to figure out the whole parenting thing.

I just don't know if the TVD writers are capable of doing that effectively. They managed to ruin Stefan and Caroline, who should have been able to transition easily if it had been done well. I sincerely doubt that they would have the patience to have a Bamon pairing happen in a way that seemed natural. More likely it

I loved that. How did Ric pull that off? I imagine the others ordered with him, so I picture him sneaking off to intercept the waitress and change the drink.


I hope Bonnie and Damon stay friends and don't develop into a romantic pairing. This show has a terrible habit of ruining fantastic platonic relationships. They've already completely destroyed Steroline, so hopefully Bamon can stay intact as the awesome friendship it currently is.

I actually LOL'd when Lily asked Enzo if he could turn his back on his friendship with her sons. Um, what friendship? He only spoke to Damon once last season, and actively spent S6 plotting against Stefan in increasingly convoluted ways. I don't think it's going to be an issue, Lil.

It conveniently wasn't shown. Budget cuts?

Sometimes I need to remind myself that the majority of them were supposed to be teenagers in those early seasons. It seems more plausible/acceptable that they would make terrible decisions regularly when you take that into consideration.

Yes to all of this! Wouldn't it have been way more practical to just sort of guerrilla-warfare them all à la Bamon instead of actively starting a war? You know things are bad when Damon is the one thinking clearly.

Oh right. I completely forgot about that.

I would have preferred that they just let Damon go all Rambo on them like he did on Kai last year, but that's just me.

They confuse me. I thought they were like Kai, who didn't have his own power, but could absorb it from others and then use it. The Heretics used magic seemingly without having to do that though, until Malcom did at the end. Maybe I missed something, but it seems like a pretty major oversight.

Their motivation is definitely poorly thought out, which made Stefan's bomb idea so strange. Why would you need to murder a group of people that have done absolutely nothing to hurt anyone?

there is simply no way in 2015 that a "mine disaster" that resulted in
the deaths of the entire police department and necessitated the town's
evacuation would not be on the national news for weeks.

Same here. I couldn't care less about what Caroline and Stefan are doing these days. Hopefully most of their scenes are together so I can just fast forward through them, as I used to with S5 and early S6 Delena.