
And drinking. A lot. I love Alaric, but he's hardly a catch these days.

I'm thinking he's been turned into a heretic now. If his humanity is
off, which I assume it is, the Luke aspect would have zero impact on his

It seems like the writers are trying to make humans a more relevant part of the show again. The main character types as it now stands, if I'm counting correctly, are:

Ew, ew, ew. This means we'll have a whole season of Damon sadly pining for Elena, instead of trying to find his way without her. What if it gets renewed for an 8th season? Or a 9th? It is a CW show after all.

UGH. Things are getting soap opera-y up in here.

Same here. The impact would have been fantastic if we didn't know she was leaving the show. Instead it just feels…meh.

At least Alaric always hated vampires. Matt seems to have decided to be suddenly become aggressive because reasons.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, this perfectly sums up my reaction to that scene.

That's a ship I would willingly support. Enzo's clearly already game.

I'm really hoping for that too. It would be wonderful to see the show kill off a main character, and finally have the opportunity to have the characters have to deal with the permanent loss of a central figure again. That hasn't really been covered in depth since S2 with the death of Jenna, mainly because we always

True. I'm interested to see how she got out/Kai returned. We know they got Bonnie's blood, but how did they trap them? I'm guessing/hoping it was Liv or Gemini Dad.

When it comes to trying to analyze the actions of Matty Blue Eyes these days, copious amounts of wine are recommended.

It's really the only thing that works after this episode, since Damon is so determined to take the cure. It seems unlikely he would change his mind and compel her at this point.

Ditto. The only option I can see them pursing is Bamon, and I don't see that working well with all this build-up to Elena's exit from the show.

And effectively ruined the best platonic friendship on the show.

So, based on that promo, Elena's going to die, right?

By her dying mother, no less. Not to mention the fact that he couldn't have a conversation with a single character without them bringing Caroline up. He already had a girlfriend be killed this season, guys. Give him some time. And maybe not every guy has to want to be with Elena or Caroline. And vice versa.

Hurray for the explosive (ba dum dum tss) return of Kai, boo for what they have done to Matt's character. He really thought that he and Bonnie should move Lily to a boiler room instead of leaving her safely locked in the Salvatore basement? Really? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO HIM?

Right! I completely forgot about that.

"It's true, I'm a Rageaholic…..I just can't live without Rageahol!" - Homer Simpson/Tyler Lockwood