
He's there because…eye candy? Accent? Because they needed a mopey character because the Salvatores aren't cutting it these days?

Haha, they're out of practice. Also, I LOVE how Elena is the only person in the show's history who was significantly less powerful when she became a vamp. Her only skill gains were being more self-centered and boring, while losing her self-sufficiency entirely.

I've always laughed at that too. Did Whitmore do a background check when they hired him? Were they not concerned when someone who was legally dead applied for a job?

The 1903 prison world workout plan: chopping wood, snow shovelling, fleeing from hungry vampires, a few calisthenics thrown in here and there…

I was thinking that too. It would have been nice if they had at least mentioned Jeremy, her, you know, mortal brother.

"You've also been horrifically stabbed by my brother? OMG, we HAVE to be friends!"

I'm glad we're getting a couple episodes of human Elena. I was worried she would take the cure in the finale and just head out into the world. I really hope they end up killing her off too. Watching everyone deal with the loss would be really interesting, especially since they've spent 6 seasons revolving around her.

Also, who brings a stripper to a hospital when the doctor is on duty? THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T LET 19 YEAR OLDS PLAN EVENTS.

Haha, I thought the same thing. It was a new level of pathetic, especially considering that Alaric's was full of people, and he's supposed to be dead. Jo apparently has no friends at all despite being actually involved in her community, and even commented on the fact that her own sister won't return her calls. So

I'd support (and probably enjoy) that theory as long as they eventually acknowledged what he had done. I've got a feeling that they won't though.

I instantly rolled my eyes at the twin announcement, especially since we all called it months ago. A member of the Gemini coven is having a baby and they seriously didn't consider this possibility?

It only took 30 seconds for human Elena to be more interesting than vampire Elena ever was. She should have just turned back in season 4.

He wants to be a Salvatore. SO. BAD. He's way too caught up in the lives of a family that couldn't care less about him.

The Steroline shipping annoyed me so much that I changed the channel. They didn't need to waste another Liz scene by having her mention how much she hearts the idea of Stefan and her daughter getting together. It ruined the whole scene for me.

All of this.

Yes! I love when ol' sassy Damon reappears.

But the eyebrows! They're almost hypnotic…

It only took 18 episodes. Welcome back, Enzo!

She really should have clued in when he didn't want to burn the letter.

Oh, right! I really need to go watch S1 again.