
So true. The fact that they haven't killed Liam off yet continues to amaze me for this very reason. Maybe they're setting him up as the one Elena leaves with?

Because magic.

It must really pay to run a funeral home in Mystic Falls these days.

Not to defend Elena (although I seem to be doing that a lot lately), but she did originally take Caroline at her word. It was Stefan who tried to get her to turn her humanity back on. Elena only stepped in once Caroline went on her homicidal bender, which is probably the right time to do so.


We should all take bets on how the cure taking is going to go wrong. I'm going for Damon becoming human and Elena somehow dying. She could always come back as a ghost in the finale.

I totally agree. It would be great if next season the residents of Mystic Falls rose up against the vampires, a la S1. The fact that the townspeople are either still unaware that vampires exist or are indifferent to them is completely laughable at this point.


Caroline has definitely had a 'Glee' vibe for the second half of this season. She's sung in 3 episodes now, right?

It seems it's only way he could go with the way his character has been
developing this season. His sudden extreme vampire loathing, while
fairly understandable, feels like it's coming out of left field.
Seriously, why doesn't he just leave town? At this point eliminating all
the vamps from Mystic Falls isn't a

That's so Elena.

One of my peeves with this season has been that everyone has been broken up into tiny groups for the majority of the season. We've had:

I'd actually like to see her be killed off too. Perhaps she'll need to sacrifice herself to get rid of the Heretics? That seems like a very S1 or S2 type Elena thing to do.

Sit in Mystic Grill, sadly wiping counters and doing whisky shots.

It seems like a fairly effective way to keep Elena involved while not being there though. I wouldn't mind seeing this happen.

I'm sure it will involve them being locked up in the prison world again. Because simplicity.

Sigh, you had one job, Tyler…

I'm strangely hoping Elena takes the cure and is then somehow instantly killed off when she becomes a human again. It would be the ultimate fake out.

It works because magic and stuff!

I'm really hoping it's Mama S that takes Elena out. Can you imagine the guilt the Salvatore bros would feel? The 7th season would pretty much write itself!