
I think Stefan's bothering me this season because he's behaving towards Caroline like Damon usually does towards Elena. It's all over the top and not really in character. He used to have love interests, but they didn't completely consume his life. Ditto for Caroline.

I like Matt too. They just need to give him an actual storyline for once.

Yeah, Stefan's starting to grate on me this season. He spends every episode creepily following Caroline around, insisting that he needs to be there for her. Ugh. Old Stefan would never have done this sort of…oh wait, the whole Elena thing.

Oh, hey, Liam! I welcome you and your eyebrows back to the show.

I completely forgot about both of those things! Too much has happened in the past few seasons that has amounted to nothing.

Yes, it certain is…

I've never understood why Elena broke up with him in S1. Grab onto him and never let go!

Tyler and Jeremy have been written awfully for the past 2 seasons. Both had no or very poorly written filler storylines. They just sort of existed to make poor decisions. Unless they do something quick, I can see Tyler going the same way as good 'ol Jer-Jer. It's a shame though, because at one time he was a genuinely

Hahahahahaha, because that would be ridiculous…….right?

I definitely missed that bit of info. Make sense. Well, as much as any of the Gemini stuff does.

Is the baby going to be…TWINS?!?!

If so, he'd better go become a POLICE OFFICER.

and then Klaus came along and killed Tyler's mother and drew awkward pictures of ponies??


Agreed. The whole Kai dying/prison worlds potentially collapsing thing was another random addition to the already confusing Gemini mythology.

Seriously! The fact that the writers continue to force sappy Delena scenes at us is made all the worse by the obvious fact that they're both so much better when they're not interacting with each other. I'm all for more Bamon and Elena-with-anyone-other-than-Damon scenes for the rest of the season.

I might…

You know Tyler is too stupid to make these realizations himself

Here's hoping. Maybe the writers spend time on AV Club reading comments and adjust their scripts accordingly. This season has felt strangely meta at times…

I'm excited to see Matt be an excellent cop and to watch Tyler be his strangely-aggressive-yet-accident-prone partner.