
What is the age difference between Stefan and Damon supposed to be?

Um, Tyler "Major Rage Issues" Lockwood definitely shouldn't join the police force, especially since he can't kill anyone without triggering his curse. Brilliant idea, Matt.

It would have been the perfect way to introduce Mama Salvatore, AND to stir up some issues between Elena and the Salvatore bros.

Don't forget the required heavy breathing/awkward staring during the creepy following.

TVD: now run by 10 year old girls

The costumes are often so bad in the flashbacks that they could be pirates anyways.

In his defense he was locked up and experimented on for a very long time. Maybe he's just really, really mentally unstable? MAYBE he's written with such insanely complex motivations that we can't even understand them properly.

Why doesn't Matt use vervain anymore? The characters used to be smart enough to wear or consume it every now and again.

Haha, you're so right!

I'm in it for the horse and buggies myself.

She's definitely coming back. I'm sure she'll turn out to be a vampire, which is why their dad had serious anger issues regarding vamps. Could be interesting, but I don't trust that it will be well written though.

I liked that too. It was a good tie-in to S1 angsty-grief Jeremy, when that character was actually slightly interesting.

Let alone successfully survive on his own. He has zero life skills that aren't supernatural related. And they let him head out on his own after we watched him drink too much and have sex with everything that moved earlier this season? Dude's got excellent stress coping skills.

Damon will, don't worry.

This sounds suspiciously like an Elena storyline.

Exactly! Caroline wouldn't have let anything tear her away from her mother.

But the shippers wouldn't want any of that, so…

The fact that Jeremy decided to leave after seeing Bonnie last week and knowing she's on her way back is laughably ridiculous. That guy's got great timing.

Stefan always seems to start out relationships by creepily following his potential girlfriends. See: Elena.

Yep, this episode completely ruined the Stefan and Caroline relationship for me too. I had to agree with Caroline's whole 'I should have been here' speech. Yes, you should have been. Your mother was dying. You've got tons of time in the future to spend with your immortal boyfriend.