
I think they're really trying to downplay all of Caroline's previous relationships. How can they try to emphasis Steroline's 'true luv' if they acknowledge that she's been attached to pretty much every main male character?

Haha, I read that in an Oprah voice, and it completely made my day.

Too bad Elena's humanity is back. I'd love to see more Bonnie/Damon, and I think Kai and humanity-less Elena could be an interesting pair. And an awesome villian duo. You know, when she was briefly bad-ass as a vampire.

Ugh, agreed. If they're going to kill off Liz, I want to see her and her daughter spending time together, not her, her daughter, and her daughter's love interest. Stop being all weird-Damon creepy, Stefan.

That would be absolutely perfect.

Ditto, especially since we know she has a thing for the bad boys. *Cough* Klaus *Cough*

It must be. It would be shocking if they rekindled her and Stefan, although at this point I'd welcome it. At least their scenes weren't endlessly tedious like every Delena one.


That's what bothered me about Caroline always getting after him at the start of the season too. She kept focusing on how Stefan was shutting her out, instead of just realising that leaving was his way of dealing with Damon's death. Just be supportive and cut him a break. Sheesh.

I do like that the two of them can still call each other out. That element has disappeared from most of the relationships on this show. If we're going to have to endure both forced Steroline and Delena couplings, I hope we can at least see Elena and Stefan become actual friends.

Why wasn't Matt at the hospital with everyone else? He totally would have been, because he's THE BEST.

Agreed. Isn't he the current head of the almighty Gemini coven? If he can't defend himself against a surly teenage boy, that coven's got bigger issues than Kai.

I'm so excited to watch her take him down. The other witches on the show right now are a joke.

Ugh, agreed. I gag when they come on screen now. Damon even referred to their relationship as "epic" this episode. How can the writers not see how truly, truly horrendous their scenes are?

This episode was all kinds of ew. There was too much:

WHY DID YOU TYPE THIS? I'm going to have it stuck in my head all day!

I think the writers don't know what to do with Enzo anymore. Last season he was set up as the new resident 'bad boy' of Mystic Falls, but Kai has really overshadowed him. He serves no purpose anymore, which a shame since he was so promising last year.

I enjoyed your reviews too!

Especially since the show's been renewed for another season. If it hadn't been I like to think they might have been brave enough to go there.

Kai using a vampire to experiment was great. It just seemed ridiculous that he would immediately seek out Elena, especially if he didn't want the entire Scooby gang hunting him down.