
It would make more sense for Enzo to have a grudge against Damon and Alaric for not letting him be part of their bromance. Apparently Damon can only have one friend at a time.

Tied with Silas's whole 'I just want to die' motivation.

I'm going to guess that Luke will somehow sacrifice himself for Liv. Which will be a shame, because out of the 3 of them I want him to stick around the most. Too much witch drama going on, and none of it involving poor Bonnie.

Agreed. The timing is completely awful. And I still have trouble believing that Stefan is really invested in them as a couple. He only joined the roadtrip when he realised that she was heading to Duke, after all.

That whole part was awful. Apparently vampire Elena is just an all around ass. And the least powerful vampire who has ever existed.

I'm really glad the reviews are back, but I'll miss our little makeshift comment family. I'm sure the Reigners won't miss us though…

Hurray, like every character on this show the reviews have risen from the dead. So happy they're back!

"You know, Smithers, I think I'll donate a million dollars to the local orphanage. When pigs fly!"

I could only tell because Elena switched hats. Those girls don't like to change hairstyles very often.

It definitely was a strange ending. "Oh no, Kai is now a SUPER witch. Well, guess we can't do anything right now, so I'm going to head home."

Ah, that makes a lot more sense.

Haha, I laughed at that too. Never take your eyes off the villain! And seriously, why didn't Alaric just shoot Kai? Way to pull a Tyler, Al.

I liked the Liz storyline, although I wish she had been the one to tell Caroline about the cancer. The scene was handled well, but Stefan telling her made it feel like a bit too much of a Steroline plot device.

Agreed. I feel like the writers just like to test the will of Delena fans. All their storylines from the sire bond up until now have been painful to watch. Can't we just a little time where their scenes don't make me cringe away from the TV?

Enzo's definitely gotten a typical Bonnie storyline this season - little purpose, mostly there as filler. His vendetta against Stefan began really abruptly and hasn't been explained well. Didn't he practically declare war on Damon at the end of last season? Or shouldn't he hate Alaric, since he's stolen his BFF? The

I practically cheered when Kai figured out how to use the traveller magic. I didn't see that coming at all, but I'm glad it happened. He might have been a bit hasty in taking down his only safeguard against the vamps, but Kai doesn't strike me as great at planning things in advance. Every episode I love him a little

I completely agree with you about compulsion being awful. The whole thing drives me nuts because the rules are unclear. It's frustrating that it's deemed okay in some situations and as an act of complete betrayal in others. I'd really prefer that compulsion be treated as the horrible thing it really is, but it needs

TVD: The Land of Perpetual Secrets

Haha, typical Tyler. Even when he gets it right, he ultimately gets it wrong.

I'd like to see Jo taking a bigger part in defending herself too. She's coming across as really weak, and I would think she'd be more interesting in proactively defeating Kai. I don't understand why her father didn't simply kill Kai, instead of putting him in a place where he could eventually find everything he needed