
That's true. His anger is turned towards Enzo now, although he was in Stefan's face until the death of Sarah. I hope Enzo doesn't end up killing Matt. I would be done with the show if that happened.

Especially over the death of Sarah. It's a weird death for him to start hating all vampires over if his own sister's murder didn't do it.

Unless I'm forgetting something, he'll be the first Big Bad that can't be killed by witches. He can just absorb their power, which will make for an interesting show down.

I'm looking forward to Kai going on a rampage in town and only Tyler, Matt, Alaric, and Jeremy being able to stop him. It's a nice reminder that being mortal on this show has it's advantages. S1 and S2 were especially good at that.

Yeah, what the hell was his issue this episode? The surly, angsty youth routine is getting old fast. That snarky comment 'I bet Damon is okay,' (paraphrased) made me want to punch him in the face. Oh, I'm sorry Jeremy, you're pissed that Damon made it back safely but didn't manage to bring your ex back even though you

Yeah, I can see that. I'm just having trouble with Alaric's seeming indifference to Bonnie. Yeah, he's 'researching', but old Alaric would have at least considered using magic to rescue Bonnie. Even if he doesn't care about her welfare (which he should,) he should at least see how it's tearing up Elena/Damon/Jeremy

I had trouble with Alaric this episode. Compelling people is so normal in this show now that his anger seemed really out of proportion, especially since he compelled Elena only a few episodes ago. It would have been nice if he has actually asked Damon for an explanation, instead of ranting about how he endagered Jo.

I've really liking Kai. He feels like a real Big Bad, which is
refreshing after last season's disastrous parade of 'villians.' His
nonchalant gazing out the window while he was killing the taxi driver was
legitimately terrifying. His ability to hide out in Mystic Falls is also
a fantastic plot device. The magic

No comments about the amazingness of the Tickle Boat, possibly the most confusing/fascinating carnival ride of all time?

Ah, that would make sense. I'm just going to brush the whole thing aside, as I'm sure the writers will too. This is too much thinking for a TVD episode.

By that logic there should have been a teddy bear in Kai's world even though Bonnie sent hers back to the real world, right? I'm officially confused.

I was thinking the same thing. And he didn't consider figuring out where she had hidden her magic in the past 20 years?

I'm hoping Liam somehow gets caught up with the vampire hunters, although I know that's wishful thinking. His storyline needs a more satisfying ending than him wandering away saying "See you in class, Elena." Yawn.

I suppose that's true. I was just thrown by the complete lack of recognition when they first met. Jo looks the same, after all, and was introducted with the same name.

Haha, good question about the videos. Also, how didn't they recognise Jo? And why did no one seem overly excited to reconnect, even though she's the sister who saved their lives? I found that whole scene to be incredibly clunky and awkward. I hope this is all explained later, although I'm certain it won't be.

Ditto. The storyline could have still worked with Kai just hunting down his surviving family to seek revenge. If they're going to go this way though, at least Kai's back story makes a bit more sense with him being passed over as Bobbsey Twin clan leader.

I picture her just sitting quietly in a darkened Salvatore house.

I enjoyed the episode, although I found all the Gemini stuff to be a little overwhelming since it was thrown at us so fast. I'm glad that all the etc. characters are being combined into one main storyline, but all the new mythology is confusing me a bit. Do different covens have different rules? These witches are WAY

I want Luke to survive too, but it's definitely going to be Liv. I find it funny how the whole 'one of us is going to have to die in a couple months' thing hasn't come up before now. Their importance in their coven has been incredibly ramped up since last season when they were portrayed as the bumbling outsiders.

I had trouble watching both the Damon/Elena and Caroline/Stefan scenes. I'm annoyed that we can't have ONE episode without unnecessary Delena drama happening, even when one of them spends the entire episode in another state. I'm glad that Liam managed to survive and wasn't killed off (which I've been waiting for for