
I felt zero pity for Tyler this episode. He knows he can't kill anyone, and then he decides to TEXT AND DRIVE?! This after multiple instances of him starting weird, overly aggressive fights. Seriously, the guy isn't doing anything to try to remain human.

Elena has been fantastic this season (other the weird drug addiction in the first episode.) The look on her face when she watched Liam doing an actual medicial procedure (despite how far fetched it was for a first year med student) was amazing. It was seriously as if she hadn't considered that you could save people

That drove me insane. Not Dandy insane, but close.

The saddest thing about Dora's neck being slit was that she couldn't supply a final sassy comeback. RIP, LaBelle.

I think he should just be proud that he managed to make it through the entire series as a mortal. They're pretty rare on TVD these days.

She and Matt are the perpetual punching bags of this show. They both deserve some happiness for once.

Haha, definitely. If Liam had gone to Mystic Falls High, they totally would have been. Maybe he'll be the one Tyler kills to trigger the curse again. After all, he might mistake him as his doppelganger…

Haha, I really wish you hadn't said that. I'm not a big Tyler fan. Here's hoping Liam doesn't have Tyler's ridiculous rage issues.

Haha, I think we all just want her to find SOMEONE. :)

I'm against Caroline and Stefan getting together, mostly because the writers will use it as a way to cause drama between her and Elena. I have a strong suspicion that they're pushing for Stefan and Elena to end up together at the end of the series, and Caroline doesn't need to deal with that mess.

I think Kai will be an interesting villian because his power is so different from the other witches. His ability to use other people's magic could really screw up any plans that involve Bonnie, Liv, or Luke. It's WAAAAAAAAYYYY better than that chanting garbage from last season.

I'm hoping she actually takes Stefan's advice and heads out on her own for awhile. We've never really seen vamp Elena doing her own thing unless she's in ripper mode.

The show's has been pretty good so far, although I'm hesitant to give back in to TVD fully after last year's trainwreck season. I really hope this show doesn't let me down again…

Wait…it wasn't?

AKA the core issue with Coven. Not to say there weren't others, but still…

Wes Bentley with those GLORIOUS muttonchops, amirite?!

Thanks for starting the discussion over there. It's going to be my regular TVD haunt from now on. :)

Such a good episode! This season is definitely looking much better than last year. TVD's got it's act together again. :)

I'm hoping so. Having both Alaric and Kai as Originals would great. Sadly the show went really downhill without any last year.

I feel the same way about mannequins.