
"Disappointingly alive Tyler." Hahaha, that's exactly how I felt when I saw him.

Agreed! If you had asked me 20 minutes into this epsiode if I would be watching next season, I would have said no. But then…ALARIC. I'll at least be back for the beginning of next season.

There was definitely a glimmer of old Elena during this episode. She made decisions! She was a little sassy! She unnecessarily sacrificed herself! It gives me hope that she could possibly becoming interesting again in the future.

And there's the 12 witches she killed…

Ugh, agreed. Why did Lexi keep bringing up the Caroline thing to Stefan? I would have thought that she would have more important things to talk to him about. It seemed like an unneccesary time for her to point out that Caroline likes him. TVD priorities are so screwed up.

In Elena's defense, (which I never thought I would end up doing,) she didn't know the toll that the spell would have on Bonnie/Liv. If Bonnie had just told everyone what was going on, maybe they could worked out a better plan. You know, like getting Liv and Luke to do the spell together, instead of killing him.

This episode made me feel many things.

Those damn exploding wolves!

And yet he can't get a date. Seriously, what's wrong with the girls in Mystic Falls?!

I was wondering the same thing! I like to picture the owner just passing him the keys and being like, "It's yours. I'm outta here. This town's gone cray."

That must be why we can't get new long-term characters anymore! The amount of parades has clearly blown the show's budget.

It definitely seems that way, but it's a strange shift. In the first couple seasons the mortals were hyper-aware of all the supernatural stuff going on, and were actively trying to hide/stop it. Apparently they've just given up because it's completely taken over the town?

Haha, definitely. They'll bring back anyone remotely important and then have it implode. TVD: Now with a regular cast of 45!

If they are, I bet they'll end up in Atlanta.

It's District 13?

The fact that it was spelled "done-zo" makes me think it was a play on "Enzo." But maybe I'm reading into this too much. It's late, and that's very possible.

Everyone sitting in it seems to have a depressed alcoholic vibe. Seems fitting considering what goes on in that town.

You're right. Apparently the writers don't know how to create a worthwhile villain that isn't an Original.

Ditto. I'm actually nervous about next season. And probably not for the reasons I'm supposed to be after this episode.

Sigh, exactly what they've been doing all season.