
Haha, well, we can dream. If he did take a bigger role all his scenes would still have to take place in The Grill. He apparently lives there nowadays. Seriously, what kind of hours does he work?

Matt and Caroline should just get back together and become the main characters. I don't really think anyone would complain at this point.

Especially since the twins seem completely unable to handle the situation on their own. Why haven't any reenforcements arrived? It's not like their lives depend on it on anything…

A thousand times yes! Aw, now I miss Spike.

It just took some doppelganger blood and the combined will of all his followers.

This whole season was made up of a dozen plots that didn't tie together. I think the writers decided to throw them all in and see which one sort of took off. Sadly, the Big Bad only got interesting in the second-last episode as a result.

Me too! At one point I was almost impressed by them, chanting and all! Even Markos wasn't terrible this episode. Maybe they're only exciting when they're chanting themselves to death?

Ah. Handwaves explain all.

He definitely would. Or he's officially the worst at writing meaningful tweets.

He definitely is! If he is gone I think I'll be done with the show. Elena and Damon aren't interesting enough to keep me invested.

Agreed on both points. The Travelers finally got remotely interesting, but it's way too late for me to care at this point.

Or have common sense. I wouldn't pick up ANYONE outside Mystic Falls. There's a 85% chance you'll get killed by a supernatural if you do.

I would guess it's Bonnie, Tyler, and Enzo. I wouldn't put it past them to count him as a major character now. He's lasted almost a whole season, which is amazing in TVD years.

When the Travelers were having their chant party in the middle of the
town square, do you think all the regular folks in Mystic Falls just
thought it was a flash mob? Or do they just ignore the weird stuff in
their town at this point?

Ugh, agreed. The whole "I've haven't kissed a Salvatore brother…today" comment made me lose a lot of respect for Caroline. Her character (with the exception of in S1) would never have willingly put her best friends in that awkward situation.

Damon seriously needs to stop with the Elena mind games. "I can't stand to be around you," but then "I kissed you because I had a bad day and can't stay away from you." WE GET IT, HE'S COMPLICATED. Ugh. The TVD writing lately feels like bad teen fan fiction.

This episode was all kinds of ew. Caroline's sudden catty jealously, the blame-throwing when Luke was kidnapped (why did they make him sit outside anyways?), the awkwardness of Bonnie and Jeremy, Enzo's unnecessarily aggressive revenge tactics…just, everything. The only slightly redeemable thing was Damon managing to

THIS! ^^ That comment made my day.

Please let it be Alaric and Kol.

I defintely will. Thanks for the heads up!