
And she got captured YET AGAIN. Are they unable to write an episode where Elena's life isn't being threatened? I understand everyone loves her, but she's a magnet for danger. She should really be able to take of herself now, especially considering she's an almighty vampire.

It's sad that they've made been made filler characters (especially Luke.) The gay brother has been sidelined, and Liv just wanders around with sassy one-liners. Couldn't she have just used her powers against Enzo instead of helping him? Or couldn't Luke has used magic against his captors? Aren't they supposed to be

The Travellers have been a hot mess this whole season. At this point they should scrap the whole story and bring Enzo in as the Big Bad. I would have preferred if they kept Silas on all season instead of this neverending parade of mediocre villians with terrible/unexplained/ridiculously confusing motivations.

It does seem really strange, especially since they aren't developing their core characters either. The writers seem determined to keep everything status quo, but the show's getting boring with no growth happening. It's hard to form a connection with new characters when they're bland with no personality, and it's hard

Watching Elena study with Stefan was ridiculous. We know she's only been to one class all year. You can't just show up for a final and pass the course. She's definitely going to fail everything.

He could always pull a Markos and return via magic. He was previously working with the Travellers, after all, and with the Other Side in ruins he can probably step back through.

Me too! Bonnie deserves to dish out some comeuppances.

Yes! Quick, let's pitch this to the CW. They've got some shows to replace before Fall…

Oh, that would be great too! Not only does she die alot, but she has to put up with so much crap from her friends. No one has thought about how the Other Side collapsing will impact her? Of course not, because they're off saving Elena AGAIN. Bonnie as the Big Bad actually would be fantastic.

The Othersiders should be a spin-off where we watch Alaric, Lexi, Kol, Grams, and Enzo try to stop the complete stupidity of their friends/family in Mystic Falls. Now that I would watch!

Oh man, that would be a season to watch. The only interesting villian at this point would be one of the main characters, but the writers don't seem interested in that happening. Matt Donvan for Big Bad! No one would see that coming…

And now Enzo. He should definitely be part of Team Worthy Othersiders.

Especially because of the slim pickings around Mystic Falls. After years of mass murdering, the population's got to be 200 people or so, right?

Don't get too attached to the twins. I'm sure they'll be dead before the end of the season. That's what TVD likes to do to all the interesting characters.

I've been thinking the same thing. Zombies? Aliens? The return of pissed off Katherine?

I don't know why they try to hide things when it's obviously going to get out and cause Damon to go on an insane murdering spree again. Oh wait, I think I just discovered the plot for the start of season 6…

Enzo better not be gone for good. He's been the best part of this season, hands down. I imagine all the Stefan/Caroline shippers will be excited though, since there's now nothing standing in the way of their relationship. I think that's really disappointing. They've got a great friendship, and you know TVD will ruin


Plus Silas himself. Was he a witch? I can't remember anymore.

I thought the same thing about Vicky. Does that mean she will also never come back (like the writers keep saying about Katherine,) or are they hinting that Katherine may be able to return in the future too?