
What witches? From what I can see the only 2 left are Liv and Luke, and they were only written in a couple weeks ago. The Travellers should actually love Elena and Co., because witches seem to die/lose their powers regularly around them.

I actually lol'd at that part. You know the gang's going to find it next week.

I want an Enzo/Matt spin-off where they solve mysteries and charm the ladies.

I hated the visions, but I will admit it was nice to see old school Stefan and Elena again. Mostly because Elena actually had a personality.

But he's so different from every other villian. For example, he's very good at chanting in unison. And he thought a metal knife could be destroyed in a fireplace.

And they killed off pretty much every family member the characters had.

Ha, Middle Eastern Silas. That's officially what I'm going to call him from now on.

I'd be okay with that.

I think it got cancelled. No excuses now, TVD.

The best line of the night was definitely Damon's comment about Markos being at
"Chant Camp." I lost it on that one, especially when all the townspeople were inevitably chanting later in the episode. As a sidenote, it's disappointing that the only recognisable townsperson is now Sheriff Forbes. Trying to make viewers

Never say never on this show. They say Katherine won't come back, but plans can change. They've still got Nina to play her, and they can find some magical way for her to return. I know it's not the plan now, but let's see what they say in a year or so. I took the 'Katherine's in Hell' thing with a grain of salt.

Well said.

It's so true! They've effectively killed all the good connections Damon and Elena had prior to dating. It's impossible to see why she left Stefan for him. Lots of intense staring and melancholy conversations doesn’t mean their relationship is deep. Sadly the writers don't seem to recognise that.

I couldn't figure out why she immediately took him out for food instead of getting him out of town. She obviously knew Enzo would be looking for them. Caroline's evasion skills are apparently on par with her ones in math.

Agreed! I seriously can't figure out why they won't write him back in.

Have you seen the promo for the next episode. Oooh, Stefan/Elena/Damon drama. Delena is defintely not dead yet, not matter how much people want it to be.

And couldn't stop thinking about having sex with him the whole time she was at a parent-teach conference where she learned that her brother was doing terribly in school.

I like the super trio, but we all know Matt's going to almost die. I love that he wants to help Elena (again, despite her now being a terrible friend,) but seriously, a Big Bad could take him down easily. He's a human, and doesn't have any of Alaric's skills. Although I suppose he could just bat his pretty eyes at

Could Marcos somehow be a version of evil Alaric? And come back permanently to the show? That would restore my faith in the show.

But that can't happen with the current 'doppelgangers will forever be attracted to each other/are fated to be together' storyline. They would have to figure out a smart way to get rid of that detail, and I don't think the TVD writers are currently up to it. They've seriously written themselves into a corner with the