
Did I miss something? Wasn't Jeremy expelled from school earlier this year for fighting?

Imagine the doppelganger love-fest that could take place! So. Many. Doppelgangers. There's been 6 of them on the show so far this season!

I wouldn't be surprised. Aethelstan seems to be able to make friends everywhere (with the exception of Floki, of course). I feel like that's an important skill to have on this show. You've got to be able to bond with your enemies, no matter who they are at that time. It's the only way to make sure you don't die.

Ew, Brock sounds like he could be the villian in an 80s ski movie. Or Lance. I hope he's not named Lance either.

I hope it's Jerry or Roy. Something typical. More likely he's going to have a TVD defined 'sexy' name like Caleb or Nick.

I think you're right. He'll most likely rejoin the Saxons for the time being, which is kind of understandable. His growing uneasiness about the Vikings' behaviour has been really apparent for the past 2 episodes. You could see it start during the church raid, and it has only been snowballing from there. He'll

Exactly! She had about 3 conversations with him. There are many people she should have been seeing before him.

B- for most of it, but F for the antidote and Travelers. Please go away, entire Traveler arc.

Also, someone should make a comment about the Mayan Apocalypse scare. Because that was a thing, and I'm pretty sure the people in Mystic Falls would be nervous about it due to the extraordinary amount of crazy supernatural shit that constantly happens around their town.

I'm sure he'll become one though. Or end up with magic powers like Silas. They don't let doppelgangers just be normal people for very long.

This season really needs to end in a dance off a la West Side Story, Travelers vs. Supernaturals. A chant off would also be okay, but a little less exciting.

^^ THIS!

Agreed. Or couldn't Liv have all trapped him in that room like she did with Elena in the dorm?

Nuns, psuedo psychic weirdos…no woman is too unappealing!

When (or if) this actually comes out, all the tweens are going to think that Jem is a Hannah Montana rip-off. And they will deserve to be punched by their elders.

As long as Stormer still plays the keytar, I'm all for it.

I missed it too!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who found that to be out of place…

Ugh, I hope Ragnar isn't all 'see what happens when you bail on your friends?' when he reunites with Athelstan. Dude's been through enough. Just let him have his breakdown in peace.

Hopefully he was just realising what an AWFUL mistake he made for chasing her away.