
Seriously, Aslaug just needs to disappear. Even Ragnar looks like he can't stand her. There shouldn't even be the possibility of the love triangle being an issue. Lagethera is her better in every way possible.

Where was Tyler? I feel like this was an episode where his character might actually have been beneficial to the storyline. Was he banished from Damon-guarding duties?

I started wondering if the writers were going to create an arc where Damon and Elena discovered they didn't want to attack each other since they were both infected with the virus (like how normal vampires don't attack each other.) Then they just made up some miracle antidote and brushed the whole thing aside. Why the

The Travelers have no time for science. They're too busy rehearsing their unison chanting.

I think they're going to set Caroline up with Enzo. This show is all about the bonding road trips.

Crazy vampire Elena is a hundred times better than normal Elena! She actually seemed to be strong and decisive this episode, which she hasn't been for the past season or so. Let's hope it sticks.

I still think 'A Burns For All Seasons' should have won at the film festival. I was definitely saying "Boo-urns."

I'd love for this to happen too! Honestly, shouldn't the brothers be tired of battling over a girl by now? If anything, they should be resenting how indecisive she it. It's clearly not because she's vindictive, but she's been playing both of them for 5 years now. It's seriously time for someone to move on. Ideally I'd

Humanity-less Elena will also probably be considerably less fun this time around since she doesn't have Rebekah to get into trouble with.

It'll probably be another doppleganger too. Just wait.

Haha, yeah the bad R&B music made it feel like a music video from the '90s. I almost expected the camera to suddenly cut to George Michael singing 'Fastlove.'

I think the issue is that the writers are trying to make Stefan and Damon both complex characters, but they can't progress the love triangle if they're both seen as 'good.' Damon starts to be too nice of a character, so they have to create a way for him to be 'bad' again. However when Stefan and Elena have been

I'm liking her too. Part of me wants her to turn out to be a baddie though. I think she could be a good one. She's got personality, which Dr. Wes was certainly missing.

Me too. I'd love it!

That's true. Damon is sort of becoming the male Elena (as in his only motivation in life is his relationship.) I found his whole 'becoming bad' transition really awkward. After all the character development he's done over the past 2 seasons, it seems really improbable (and super infuriating) that he instantly reverted

It's not Tyler the character per se, it's what the writers have him doing right now. He seems to contribute nothing to the group (minus killing Nadia), and just seems to spend his time getting riled up over everything. If he's back for good, I'd like to see him back in an intelligent storyline, and working on getting

Agreed! I felt the same way when Matt was trapped in the safe. The other characters seemed to casually wander around while "searching" for him. There's no urgency to help other characters anymore. This may be because too many of the characters are now supernatural and death seems to have little consequence. The stakes

I think that's what Elena's character is missing now. She used to also be compassionate and determined to help her loved ones (no matter the cost to herself), and she's completely lost that. Now she's just like the other characters. This isn't the version of Elena that the show started with. Completely changing your

Who needs a strong economy when you can have unnecessarily elaborate town-wide theme events every other week? I'm starting to think Mystic Falls is like the town in "Brigadoon," and the residents only come to life when one of the main characters needs them for something.

A better questions is WHY would anyone want to be mayor? They all get 'mysteriously' killed off.