
I fully support this. Can we start a fan club? With t-shirts?

Her dream is to be with one of the Salvatores. Apparently which one depends on the season. She barely seems to care about Jeremy anymore, which used to be one of her greatest features. That's typical TVD character development for you.

Mystic Falls the town only seems to exist for elaborate special events and dances these days.

Let's hope so!

Agreed. I was momentarily shocked when he bit Nadia. Then I remembered that being a hybrid actually gave Tyler more powers than just being unnecessarily pissy all the time.

Don't forget the general terribleness of Tyler. I feel like he's only back because he has a contract with the CW and they couldn't fit him into The Originals.

Ditto with bringing back Bonnie. This season she's only in episodes where they need her to help a dead person cross over.

Haha, I love how Elena's "wild" side involves her dancing on a bar in a
modest outfit. She can't stop loving Damon even though she really
should. Ooooh, she's bad!!!! Maybe she'll lean against a car she doesn't own too. SHE'S OUT OF CONTROL.

I watched the promo for the next episode. Ew. Why did anyone want Elena back again? I just got annoyed with her in the 15 seconds they showed.

The look on Damon's face when he saw Elena pull out the syringe was perfect! He knows what's up.

Could we make "Matt Donovan Is The Best" an actual thing? Because he really is.

They still haven't really proven that she can. Do they even go to university anymore? Apparently they just live there for the cheap rent?

I completely agree with everything you said. Preach!

Apparently they've going to be adding a bunch of new characters. I'm interested to see how that goes. This season has been a cavalcade of characters that have been added and then almost instantly killed off. Wes, Nadia, Gregor, Aaron, Jesse, Silas, Amara, Qetsiyah…and now Katherine to boot. I'd like to see a new (and

Wow, now THIS was an episode! Nadia and Katherine was truly heart wrenching, and my joy at the death of Dr. Wes was OVERWHELMING! This was one of those brilliant TVD episodes where they manage to tie up a lot of subplots all at once. And they did it well.

I love that Damon figured out Katherine's plot to have him killed! I actually cheered. It's nice to see that sometimes the Salvatores' love for Elena doesn't blind them to everything going on around them.

I agree that Dr. Wes could have been an excellent villian. If the writers had brought back the Mystic Falls vampire hysteria from the first season, this character totally could have worked. Sadly he seems to have no justifable motivation/purpose, and no support from any other characters. Oh, except his 'backer' and

The Dr. Wes storyline is just all kinds of ew. He and his traveller entourage are so awful that I can't even laugh at them anymore. They need to go away. Right now.

Haha, apparently being on different shows kills the romance pretty fast.

I was wondering the exact same thing! Shouldn't Bonnie be able to see her?