
This is totally off topic, but can I just give everyone here a virtual high-five? It's so awesome to get to talk about TVD episodes so thoroughly. You are all my spirit animals. And kindred spirits.

Good point.

Agreed. Maybe the curse of Elena's body is that you become absolutely crazed about being with a Salvatore? Old school Katherine would have been driven by more than just being with Stefan. She would have viewed it as a perk, not her only priority in life. Especially when it's apparently more important than spending

Haha, they've killed off Elena (for the time being) and replaced her with Damon-hating Katherine. It's sort of the ultimate character change. :)

I feel the same way about the Katherine/Stefan stuff. It's kind of sweet to watch, but it's really tainted by the fact that he thinks she's Elena. They're going to get really close and then his heart will be ripped out…again. Awesome stuff. Stefan, the immortal, romantic punching bad of TVD.

Yeah, Tyler really should have picked up on Matt's weird behaviour. Although I suppose he's hardly the most 'with it' character at the best of times. Why is he back in town anyways?

I think a large part of the Damon-Elena breakup may be caused by their relationship in real life. I have a feeling neither of them particularly look forward to filming their romantic scenes anymore. But still, they're professionals, so I would hope that the writers wouldn't use that as an excuse. Delena fans have had

But it's important to remember that Damon did it to help Elena since she was having a complete breakdown over Jeremy's death. Yes he compelled her, but that time it was for a pretty good cause.

Haha, that's what I meant. I definitely could have phrased that better.

Good point. I've got to agree with you. The interesting thing will be to see how Elena reacts since she's not going to be around for all of Damon's terribleness this time. But since she seemed to get over his whole 'I murdered a whole family line for revenge' thing (arrgh, such a terrible plot line), I assume she'll

Am I the only one who'd like to see a plot that doesn't revolve around a potential love story? Right now there's Elena/Stefan/Damon, Elena/Katherine/Stefan/Caroline, Nadia/Matt, and Jeremy/Bonnie. Ugh, what's next? Dr. Maxfield probably did all this so he could start dating Elena, right?

I always find it interesting when people are upset by 'Bad Damon' killing someone. No vampire on this show hasn't murdered multiple people. Yes, it was awful that Enzo killed that woman, but it was equally bad when Elena murdered that waitress last season. I love this show, but there are absolutely zero repercussions

Exactly! I find it funny how people can overlook all the awful things Stefan has done but quickly jump on every single thing Damon does. There's not a single vampire on this show who hasn't murdered multiple people. And Elena turning against Damon for that woman's neck being broken would be completely idiotic. After

A couple episodes ago Caroline was telling Elena that she should dump Damon and go back to Stefan. I hope the writers aren't planning on creating a Elena/Stefan/Caroline love triangle. That would be way too out of left field.

I prefer your version, but I'm sure we're giving the writers too much credit. My only hope was the brief moment where Damon seemed to hesitate about leaving. But that might just be me desperately clinging to the shreds of Damon's character development.

I'm really liking Katherine/Elena. Is it awful that I don't really care if Elena comes back anytime soon? My favorite scene of the night was definitely Katherine doing CPR on Jeremy. That scene was perfection.

It's just sort of confusing, because didn't she see her when she was getting ready to die? I'm definitely overthinking this.

That would be too good to be true. I bet someone finds out in the next episode.

Tyler is actually the worst. The only perk to him being back is that Matt has someone to hang out with. He must be pretty lonely since Jeremy apparently spends all his time shacking up with Bonnie off screen this season.

Really, Elena should have tried to get Katherine's body out of there instead of just running away. It was pretty obvious that it was being used in a bad-news magic ceremony. Life choices like this are why Elena always gets into trouble.