
Haha, just because it's not a good idea doesn't mean the writers won't do it.

This whole comment is perfection.

I hope it's done. Apparently Dr.Maxfield might be back. Can't they just kill him and be done with it?

Haha, I feel the exact same way! I was excited to see what vampire Elena would do, but unfortunately she did…nothing. It's gotten to the point that I'd rather just have human Elena back if they can't write a good story arc for the vampire version.

This episode was without a doubt the best one so far this season! Only one thing bothered me - that no one really noticed that Elena was acting strangely. Where's Bonnie? Isn't she wondering why Katherine never passed through her when she died?

Stamos for Prom King!

I would definitely go out by declaring my love of cheese.

Or so we hope. Next season could always be 'American Horror Story: Coven - The Resurrection.'

I'm surprised that Angela Bassett was considered a guest star all season. She was definitely in as many episodes as Kathy Bates was.

I think Hell Circus would actually be an amazing season. The potential for AHS craziness would be through the roof! Although Ryan Murphy would probably ruin it by focusing on the hunt for the next, all powerful ring leader.

Haha, that was the moment that I was officially done. It's amazing, but with that statement they made Zoe even more irritating than she had been all season.

I know I'm nitpicking here, but couldn't Madison have just made Kyle stop choking her? Earlier in the episode she was able to control him and make him lick her shoes, so I would have thought that she might have been able to use her powers to save herself.

Perfect, thanks! I thought I must have missed something.

I generally liked this episode, but…WHY WAS EVERYONE SO NONCHALANT ABOUT MATT BEING LOCKED IN THE SAFE? Apparently all the supernatural characters forgot that he was human and needed air to survive. While they were 'searching' they still found plenty of time to stop and talk about each other's sex lives. Poor Matt,

I think Todd's right, and this whole thing was a set up by Fiona and the Axeman. The only thing that could save this season for me is if Myrtle plays the theremin in the background while the Axeman throws his hatchet around at everyone and Fiona sits in the background smoking.

I really hope that happens. And that she's playing the theremin when Fiona finds them.

Forgot the teens. I want Myrtle to be the new Supreme. I'm only watching the show for her now. I hope next week she's playing croquet, or floating in a hot air balloon in the backyard, and just dispensing advice/a running commentary on the mess that is this season's plot.

It was Madison, with the brick, in the New Orleans cemetery. I need a Clue version of this season, stat!

I don't think Nan will be resurrected, at least not for a while. Misty's locked up in a tomb, which I would imagine means she can't be using her resurrection powers, and Nan's soul has been taken away. I'll be sad if she's gone. I was rooting for her to be Supreme. Especially since she got so wonderfully arrogant

Well, he has his depressing job too. What is he in charge of there, wiping counters?