Diarrhea Dump

Huh. I hadn't realized that. That does seem likely then, doesn't it.

True, but I think it's fascinating, disturbing, and funny to watch his gradual mental deterioration. I mean, this is the guy who invented that machine that could determine horniness! A man of science and knowledge! Now he can barely pronounce his own name.

You'd be a dangatang, cause that's what you look like.

I don't wanna go in there with Brown #2.

Whoa! That's the same rat's nest that I came out of!

And that's all she wrote! *yanks tablecloth off of table*

Steve Brule seems to be his passion project. I love it.

Still not as rich as Bill Grates!

One of paper equals four of coin. It's a winner every time. Just gotta make sure the mushroom's on top.

Holy shit. Me too.

Oh I'd forgotten about Memphis Beat, a favorite of my mom's.

Hey! A very belated but sincere thanks to ya!

Is anyone able to link to that thread? I know I read it but I've since forgotten the details and now I'm wanting to revisit this sad story.

Oh man, I forgot about him. That really was pretty weird, wasn't it?

Barf me out!


I'm glad they came along!

I don't see how my mother's hobbies are relevant to this conversation.

I love how he would just let his arms flail all over the place, throw back his head and scream bloody murder.

Sesame Street really does disappoint these days. Even the opening and closing credits are blah compared to those of my day. Remember when the closing music was so badass?