Diarrhea Dump

Childhood terror (from Sesame Street, at least) is that fucking I-beam being formed from molten steel, accompanied by the scariest music ever. That shit scared me so bad I couldn't even turn off the TV; I would immediately get up and run.

Ah, the jean sandwich, the Canadian tuxedo…

I always remember those commercials, with the heads swaying back and forth against the black background and that music.

…Sil-vuh Shamrock!

I saw that on Mystery Science Theatre 3000 so many years ago and this part still makes me laugh - Beau Bridges is wearing a very short toga-like garment, and he falls backwards in slow motion, his legs going right up in the air and a view of his crotch and ass. One of the MST3K guys says, "ahh, a little something for

I used to work for the courts, and I had a young man on my caseload whose sister was a grandmother at 27.

But that just makes you feel Glenn Frey's alienation as he restlessly prowls the city streets.

Oh man, that's the way I felt about the theme song from "The Young and the Restless".

You and me both, friend.

Haver? Heaver? Can't remember the proper spelling but I did have the meaning explained to me like so - if you stay out all night drinking and come home to your angry wife/girlfriend a total mess, when you're apologizing, explaining, "I love you, it'll never happen again", etc., that's when you're heaverin' (or

Jeff Tweedy is like the Pied Piper to me.


Did the apostles have a feast of Rang all over your body, too?

I saw them in Pittsburgh and I loved it. Dying of laughter.

You're not kidding. She was truly loathsome.

Robert Vaughn in The Helsinki Formula, please.

Oh man I love that. Any time I see that it's on I end up watching it.

Oh god, I'm so sorry. My sister's name is Gina and she got the same thing a lot. Man did she hate that.

Before The Littlest Dump was born, I mentioned to my mom that if the baby was a girl, I was thinking of naming her Ruby. Mom's immediate response was, "oh, that's a black lady's name". Anyway, my first (and only) child turned out to be a masculine child.

My grandfather's name and my brother's middle name. Almost named The Littlest Dump Mario, but ended up naming him Victor.