Captain Caveman

Too cool for fun, huh?

Oh, so it was meant to be PRIVATE racism? How does that matter?

"long, natural hair" + "Beyonce is a prototype" ? I don't think the word "natural" means what they think it means.

You're so worried about looking cool that you'd deny yourself a good time?

I wholly concur with your observations on the subject at hand.

You misspelled "Russians".


You can't drop the "Wish" part; that changes the sentence structure completely.

"although it has another meaning"… Oh, just like "Adore"!

A giant gray panther appears to be escaping from his torso.

Even zoomed in, I can't read any of it or make out any of the detail.

They should reissue it without all the songs that never should have been on it in the first place. Cut about 60% of the songs and you'd have a pretty kick-ass album.

I'm waiting for Sufjan Stevens to finish making an album for every state.

Like the title of the album, Billy Corgan himself is a joke that no one gets.

My nghbrs all go to different chvrchs.

Babylon 5 was the best Babylon.

Be on the lookout for his "Best of…" DVD to hit Dollar Stores this fall.

Only until 11:59 pm Eastern.