
He made Thriller…Thriller.

He made Thriller…Thriller.

This is a rapper's "rock" album I think they're going back to treating him like King Shit in his codeine castle on Fuck Mountain once he's back to using his last name as the album title.

I too was confused by his repeated references to Baldwin's apparent handsomeness, I tend to think of him as being that chubby guy from 30 Rock.

Kanye is a pretty good rapper, he can be funny, clever and poignant. He writes some bad lines and some bad songs but he also writes good songs, and more importantly he has wrote a few songs that will stick around on my playlists for years to come. Gone is really a wonderful song.
I like that he's an asshole, he keeps

I like Venom, I didn't like Venom in the movie. I thought the movie was kind of boring. I disliked it walking out of the theatre. Spiderman is my favourite comic character so I gave it a go for a re-watch but halfway through got bored and stopped watching it.
1 and 2 were good enough that I have hope. Spiderman

My Grandma loves this album, I think her and all of her friends bought it. Any of them who didn't have it by mid December got it for Christmas.

I was worried the reviewer had disparaged one of my holy cows, Beastie Boys, so I went and read the review. If he had thrown shots at the Beasties I would have had to come here up in arms and get all bitchy.
As far as the review went it seemed to me that he thought the book wasn't that great but was too caught up in

I agree with the opinion that the '>'s express. Collective Soul is not a great band. Creed is terrible. Nickelback makes me angry. I am ashamed to be from the same political region as Nickelback. Supernaut was right to use capitals to describe Nickelback as the "National Shame".
Everytime I read funeral Fridays, after

Nickleback is the band which I hate most. Creed>Nickelback.
When I meet someone instantly dislike I think to myself "I bet they like Nickelback".

I thought Sin City was hit and miss between stories.
The Spirit is the worst movie I saw in 2008, by far.
It was over the top terrible and just re-used the same effects from Sin City.
A friend invited me to go see it-I hadn't head of it yet- I will never trust his judgment again.

I also agree with barefoot jim, on both counts.
As for Om's list of Neil Young's best epic-length songs, I find those songs so engrossing that I barely notice their length when I listen to them. Neil Young is great.

To the read the above thread comment, I'd like to clarify that I meant to say recommended for someone to start with out of his work.
I think that I will nab Sphere and Airframe when I'm at the parents house over X-Mastime.

I've only read Jurassic Park and the Lost World, but his books increased my love of reading. Reading Jurassic Park for my grade 2 book report was a big part of my getting excited about reading. I felt a little sad when he died because of that.
My Dad has a decent collection of his books, are any highly

Most of the people who claim to be Irish for St. Patrick's day have an ancestor who lived in Ireland in the early 1800's and the rest have been out of Ireland for a long time. Fact is there are more "Irish" people who haven't ever been to Ireland or know anything about it than there are people who actually live in

I like that poetry one, The Onion is the second best website after Google as far as I'm concerned.

Will Smith
When I was in highschool my friend used to joke about how if a conversation was going poorly you could always just bring up Will Smith to redirect it in a positive direction because everyone likes(or liked before the whole Scientology thing) Will Smith. A couple years later I found this

The KFC bowl column didn't quite fucking suck balls, but it did fall below his normal awesomeness. Oswalt is worth finding more stuff to read/listen/watch by.

If I put on a song from either of the first two albums from Eric B. and Rakim when people who aren't fans are around I get asked who it is, in a good way. I think they would at least get some respect and attention if they came out now.

The Abstract is good, he did something different and it worked out interestingly. The Abstract is better than The Renaissance from my point of view.