
I wish it were actually Neil Young, but the impression was good enough that it was still funny enough anyways. Neil Young, Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff are great, Fallon isn't usually but that was quite funny.

Dota and TD games had their origins in Starcraft maps. I forget what it stood for but the SC predecessor to dota was called AOS or something like that.

They forgot the other Warcraft.
I was never interested in WOW, so I can't say that I actually don't like it or it doesn't belong here but Warcraft 3 and it's expansion The Frozen Throne were my favourite RTS game of the 00's. It had a fun multiplayer with a nice map editing system on it, I got many hours of enjoyable

I don't consider my comments particularly interesting either, I usually assume that everyone just skips over what I write since I do that with most posts.

Why does this guy get his own post?
I've been reading this site, and it's stupid comment section, for a while now and I don't really think this guy is particularly interesting. I've seen him posting all over but nothing that ever made me think he was worth remembering.

I hope there are individual lists, I too find it most interesting to hear why each person finds an album to be the best. It also helps me to normalize the scores in my head to see what each reviewer's favourites are, say one reviewer puts an album you think is just ok on their list you can look at their review of the

Not a terrible list
Since I don't care for a huge chunk of the music reviewed on the A.V. Club this list passed my backup test: The albums that lie in the intersection of my taste and the types of music the A.V. Club rank's high, it passed that test by having Supreme Clientele on there(my pick for best hip-hop album

I'm happy to hear positive things about this game coming from people who are pointing out all of the things that I love about Baldurs Gate.(The whole saga I consider to be a unit of awesomeness)

Baldurs Gate
Baldurs Gate is one of the best games ever made, so sayeth the wise Alaundo.

I didn't even know that Dave Grohl had been in Nirvana back when I was a kid. The Foo Fighters were probably more famous to me than Nirvana for about a year, before I started high school and everyone got a Nirvana shirt.

I feel a little sacrilegious saying this but The Colour and the Shape has songs on it that I like better than a lot of Nirvana's work. Grunge and post-grunge are my guilty pleasure genres though, I like them but don't think they were ever really so great or world changing as people like to say. I grew up in the era of

I don't see what the big deal about that Drake kid is. I didn't watch Degrassi but he comes across to me as a boring rapper and an unexceptional singer. I just don't see why anyone really bothers to be interested in him.
Lil Wayne is OK, but it stops there he's just OK.

I saw a preview for this before Inglorious Basterds(or however you properly spell it improperly) to me it looked like the sort of movie that is so over the top terrible, unnatural and poorly thought out that it would be enjoyable. So my question is this: is this movie bad enough to be hilarious?

I'd like to jump on the agreeing-with-that-thing-that-guy-said bandwagon.
I hate Dane Cook(and his comedy), and he's been as ubiquitous as John Mayer's music during the times I've been around people with, what I consider to be, bad taste.

I was thinking Beach Boys, until reading these comments and then I was still thinking Beach Boys with Nirvana as my alternate pick.

I would definitely listen to an album by Ghostface Singah.
Ghost has been occasionally singing on his albums for a while, just not for an entire song or album, I'm sure I would enjoy it.

I realize that Wu-Tang has been mentioned in whole and in part repeatedly but no mention of RZA or Big Baby Jesus?
RZA's voice gives him the ability to pronounce a word however he pleases.
Ol' Dirty could just shout random words and it would sound good, he had verses better than many rappers just shouting nonsense.

I read shit Rabin writes about stuff that I don't care about at all, like country music, just because I think that he's interesting to read. So give him all the hip hop albums that's what I am actually interested in reading so it's just a nice bonus.

It isn't a scam if the books are good, opinion of course, and you can have too much of a good thing but considering that it is usually years between books it doesn't really hurt too much.