
Firestar. Thank you, and goodnight.

How many Michael Buble albums does one person need?

Since when was Helen Mirren in R.E.M.?

Um, have you been to Oakland?

-n Clo-
Delete and close-up.

Nice, dude. Nice. Glad you saw it.

What?! Is Christina Hendicks busy or something?!


OK, I suck.

Lay's Brand Potato Chips
No one can eat just one.

@Loose Stool:

I dunno, YF. Once you've fucked one post-apocalyptic book, you've fucked them all.

You rang, Mr. Blackman?

sirslud, that is the path to Jon Voight's hairy nutsack.

"Movie binder"? Expand on that.

I took that class with Tom Noonan, but all I got were tips on free refills and stealing food from the caterer.

Mariokart is sweet as fuck.

Classic from the Vault
I saw Saw II, too.

Bunny take shower quick; urtext take shower slow. That mean sumthin to Bobby Peru.

Vomit Sandwich?