Odd Future Wolfgang Pauli

They're riding the snake.
To the lake.

Sounds like you've been doing some time-traveling of your own, Dan!

On the one hand, it sounds like sort of an interesting twist on the whole (wo)man-child, stunted adolescence trope, in that Bell's character apparently had a real career before regressing. On the other hand, there's no way I'm seeing this.

I would also like to, uh, express my fondness for amounting to nothing in that particular valley

That's really lovely.

He was a good cop at heart, but the job gradually wore on him, and he finally snapped when some punkass gangbanger ordered him a merlot.

"Bearded, lanky creep with guitar skills and empty promises seeks talented musician ladies" is the quintessential craigslist musician ad.

He was from everywhere!

Yeah, then before you know it Everybody is kung-fu fighting and it's like, pffff, this is lame, way to whore out the whole East Asian scene, man.

What happened to you, China? You used to be cool.

Good call. I haven't written a letter in a while, but I wrote a few romantic ones well into the internet age, to great effect.

Well, I'm also in a Ph.D program. My advisor is on sabbatical for the year, and I flirted with the idea of moving out there with her for a few months, but it wouldn't have lasted.

Your online time limiting abilities are admirable and enviable.


Long Distance Relationship Thread

I was going for Spike Spiegel, but thanks, Uncle Bob.

It is!

*blankly stares with mouth agape, chews sword*

Yogurt already can predict the future.

well, nobody's going to beat this