Odd Future Wolfgang Pauli

Incisive character study:

Hell yeah, Reich and Riley.

Agreed. Back to silly references on Newswire for me.

Having finally caught up, the most striking and binding thematic element to me is the devotion to family, and the varying effects it can have on one's actions. Concern for a family's well being is no guarantee of moral behavior, and it can lead to some of the most monstrous acts of the entire series (the exploits of

Do even kids' movie trailers start with the proviso that they are approved for "appropriate audiences" now? Or is this just the red-band trailer, in which case, maybe a heads up next time, Vago?


And when they had platted a backwards baseball cap, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand, and they bowed the knee before him, mocking him, saying, "Hail, King of the Douche!"

Christ Brown shall return to music in three days, lo, even as the prophet Drake said he would.

Has he lost his mind
Can he see or is he blind
Can he walk at all
What level is his cholesterol

Woe to you, critics and reviewers, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to tell people that a movie sucks before it even opens, and then when it does suck, you turn them into twice as much a child of hell as you are.

The A.V. Club
FUUUUUUUCK. Well, this mi-

This thread contains my two least-favorite A.V. Club memes:

I saw Chelsea Wolfe open for Russian Circles about a year ago. I had never heard her before, really good stuff. Were you at that show? Middle East downstairs?

The next biggest anticipation, after Breaking Bad, is probably Gravity. Alfonso Cuaron has blown me away with everything I've seen by him - Children of Men, Y Tu Mama Tambien, even the third Harry Potter movie in its own way - and I can't wait to see what his camera does in outergoddamn space.

Boy, that Twilight money dries up fast. Forget Kickstarter, we need a goddamn stimulus specifically for all the former Twilight cast and crew.

"Well, here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. There is no why."

Guy Fawkes was a great man. Hopefully he would have been a belieber ;)

Well, I can't find an English clip of it, but if you ear-squint you can hear "transformadas Fourier" and "mechanicas quantisticas" near the end:

And I'm not saying I agree with it, it's just that kaiju law? In this country? It's not governed by reason.

I just saw it and fucking loved it. The effects were great, most of the cast (particularly Charlie Day) was great, and it had a wonderful old-school feel that didn't spill over into overbearing self-awareness. There was one twist that seemed incredibly dumb - one of our jaegers is analog! - but it was dumb in a way