Machete? Moah like a fahkin' baseball bat! RED SAWKS
Machete? Moah like a fahkin' baseball bat! RED SAWKS
Can't fahkin' believe this shit. We wouldn't even be ova heah fightin' these wahloahds if I had been on that plane.
Hey, how come youah gun is biggah than mine? I coulda stopped 9/11, you couldn't even stop that qweeah Ethan Hawke.
Gonna walk walk walk
four more blocks, like the one in my brain
Down downstairs to the man
He's gonna give you cancerAIDS
Mike Ehrmentraut: Bad Grandpa would be an infinitely more worthwhile project
Now I'm gonna haul ass to fair Verona!
Don't go chafing giant balls
One is a tiny, innocent creature without the self-awareness to realize that their life is being broadcast to the world without their consent, and the other is a stupid kid.
I'd rather see pictures of Minions than pictures of peoples' kids.
I have a poster of 21 years of The Onion headlines. Read that, followed by the Book of Ecclesiastes.
I mentioned this recently, but my mother recently told me I look like the younger Boston bomber. No Dzhok.
I recently learned that the so-called "Asian flush gene," inherited from my Japanese mother, is more than a social inconvenience, and actually puts me at a much higher risk (~6-10 times) for esophageal cancer, even for moderate drinking. Thus I have embarked on a program of moderation - weekends, weddings, and…
I like those equations in the background. Natural log of phi, eh? I'd like to show her my natural log
Nice of them to leave you anything, what with your arrogant presumption of divinity.
Dear Science,
I didn't get the reference and I just looked it up, and maybe it has something to do with getting < 2 hours of sleep last night, but for some reason the combination of words "Puerto Rican astrologer" is just what I needed. Thanks, @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus .
Then Jerry said, "A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, amongst his own domestic market." And he did not produce any box-office hits that summer, because of their lack of faith.
The A.V. Club
Akira worked out, in the sense that I was just as confused by the movie as all six books of the manga.
Aside from a couple singles, all I've heard are two of her latter-day albums, Uh Huh Her and White Chalk. They're both excellent, very different stylistically.