Odd Future Wolfgang Pauli

I recently saw a few episodes of Gargoyles for the first time since I was 7 or 8. Man, that's a pretty damn good show. Most of the time when I get a glimpse of a show from my childhood, I think of all the lost brain cells (TMNT, Power Rangers, …), but this is in Batman: TAS territory.

That's the most dishonest thing I've ever heard! I should box your ears, you, you, you, Sneaky Pete!

At least you'll be safe. The only one near me is surrounded by zombie Red Sox fans. I am stocking up on Neil Diamond records to throw at them.

Hey, who made you Judge Judy and executioner?

(in unison): "The Greater Good"

Ouch. I don't know who that is but I'm going to assume they suck.

What differentiates "electronic hip-hop" from regular hip-hop? I mean, there are groups like The Roots that make their music live, but aren't the vast majority of hip-hop beats and instrumentals produced electronically?

A movie with Wolverine in it is always going to be #1 on its opening weekend. Any freshman philosophy student can tell you that, it's the old Reductio ad amantium.

I finally caught up on Breaking Bad. I basically barreled through season 4 and season 5.1 in the past two weeks. Everything every culturally-aware person has said is true. All culture I encounter from now until August 11 will likely be forgotten.

Was wondering if you'd show up. Peace be upon your weekend, bro.

"When you fart, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are farting. But when you fart, put oil on your head and wash your face, and do not change your stance, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are farting, but only to your Father, who is unseen and

If anyone says to you, "Look, here is the Messiah!", or "Kirk has arrived!", do not believe them. False prophets and false Kirks will arise, and they will perform farts and wonders so great as to deceive even The Elect. For such are false apostles and work IT administrators.


A "goto" statement transfers control of a program to another line of code, often in conjunction with an "if" statement. It is not necessary to write programs and is typically discouraged, as it leads to overly complicated "spaghetti code" that branches off in confusing and problematic ways.

I disagree. Blade: Trinity is an unforgivable pile of shit, but Parker Posey hammed it up pretty entertainingly.

Yeah, yeah, rub it in, Cruickshank. You think you and ya fahkin' Blackhawks ah the fahkin' bee's knees ah whatevah, well you won't get the last laugh this yeah! OUAHHHHHH SAWKS AH BETTAH THAN YOUAHHHHHHH SAWKS! WOHLD SERIES HEAH WE COME!

As far as I know this is the only photograph of Ms. Love on record.

Peter Griffin no es macho
Es solamente un borracho

This is worse than that time the network wanted a dog with attitude.

I kidded Woody about his forthcoming film and we laughed a lot and had fun and then we put on some boxing gloves and he broke my nose.