
Meh, it's a fine outfit and he's cute so it works.

Chilton x Will OTP

Javert and Jean Valjean
Frederick Chilton and Will Graham
Poe and Finn
Hux and Kylo Ren
Barba and Carisi
Bruce Banner and Tony Stark
Enjolras and Grantaire
And a super old one but Draco and Harry.
Gaze upon my AO3 ye mighty and despair at the bookmarks of a gay male shut-in who loves sin.

So happy this show is back, though I do have to wonder, where Dermott is going to fit into this. And what of Pete White and Billy, or Dr. Orpheus? It's hard, this show has so many great characters and I am invested in all of them, but if this episode is any indication it's gonna be a great season. Also

"Do you think a depressed person could make this? No."



Music is none of my business.

The review: “Play enjoyed by ALL speaks for itself!"

I know the uncut mp3 comes out on the 27th on amazon. Hope that helps.

Throw in a first edition of The Iliad and I'm there.

Oh wow that makes it so much better, "So there's this book that most 14 year olds are required to read, so naturally I knew you as a teacher would have never read or heard about it…"

A first edition of The Iliad. I am so confused by that, is it thousands of years old? Is it Homer's skull?

"Minnesota" forever. Though Tallahassee is the perfect album and my first exposure, Minnesota on its own just hits me somewhere so hard every time I hear it.

Shore Leave was there super briefly with Dr. Z and Dragoon/Red Mantle. But yeah, not enough Shore Leave.

Shh, I understand; you can't talk. You need help, just blink twice if he's your pimp.

Ehh its a bit shaky, like Hank remembering that Hatred kidnapped and molested them but Dean didn't. Plus aren't these current clones kind of messed up from all the memory wipes from Sphinx?

Honey, you should listen to your heart, and not the voices in
your head like a certain uncle did one grey December morn.
[hums some more]

What're you cackling at, fatty? Too much pie, that's your problem!

There Will Be No Divorce and 02-75 for sure, Sax Rohmer #1(maybe, this might just be a personal feeling), Bride would be a fun one but again, that is a personal preference. Also Last Man on Earth and Riches and Wonders.