
I'd say her claiming to be oppressed for being a heterosexual online and all the other dumb shit she said does.

Anyway every character in The Outsiders is gay. Every single one.

Her response to people picking up on queer subtext in her writing was to say that she was a heterosexual writer being oppressed for writing heterosexual characters and to get into fights online with LGBTQ teens to prove how not mad she was.

How dare people get upset about creators of young adult literature saying dumb, homophobic things online, of course the best way to deal with this kind of thing is to go and get hatecrimed. Thank you straight person, for showing us the way.

You're welcome, I remembered all the drama back on twitter, it was so disappointing as a young queer person to see what she said. Even more disappointing to see other LGBT folks getting shut down in the comments here for remembering all the shitty things she's said.

Can S.E. go back to whining on twitter about how oppressed she is for being a straight person who writes straight characters. An actual tweet of her's "#ThingsIWontApologizeFor I am a heterosexual writer writing about heterosexual characters. Being attacked for being heterosexual."

I'm so excited for this. Also Susan Sarandon is very good and I can't wait to see her playing off Jessica Lange

lmao Jimmy Kimmel sucks so much

Paralysed Age

I mean John Darnielle was friends for a time with Rozz WIlliams and wrote songs about his passing, goth stuff and his actual involvement with the scene is not exactly out of left field.

Maybe life is worth living

He made a fake account pretending to be his own son on twitter to harass people, so be wary of that. He's pathetic lmao

I feel like we're all going to die and I'm very scared and unable to focus on much of anything right now.

This kid rules

But her big twitter meltdown wasn't with Trump supporters, it was with people further to the left than her. She was making jokes around how policies of Clinton like those of past administrations would lead to the deaths of civilians in the Middle East.

I'll take the record lmao

I'm not super familiar with him honestly, but I do think he's coming at this from a genuine place and I've seen a lot of relatively smaller creators struggling with this as well lately and attempting to get youtube to pay attention. I don't know if deleting his account will accomplish much but eh what are ya gonna do?

Eh people my age and younger I believe. I'm 21 and while I don't watch PewDiePie, I do watch some lets players, reviewers, beauty bloggers, and other content creators. I don't remember a time before youtube too much even though I was 9 when it was created. It's just very integrated into our lives.

I got to see Weird Al with my dad for the first time ever and it was wonderful. Got the tickets months and months ago for my 21st birthday and it ended up being my favorite present I'd say. I've loved him since I was 10 and it was perfect. Also finally watched all of Stranger Things, which was a show I knew I would

I've really liked a lot of his novels, tho I can understand your feelings toward HSB, not his strongest. I was really into NOS4A2 and Horns was pretty great. Maybe try his short story collection next?