
Okay, I really was not trying to start anything, merely answer a question. And cis is not a pejorative or a slur, it is a term used in academia. CIs is the latin prefix opposite of trans; trans=across from, cis=on the side of. Nobody is asking you to adopt it as what you call yourselves, I was using it here because

Queer. Many people in the community have reclaimed the word and use it as an umbrella term of sorts. Like how trans is an umbrella term for not only transmen and women, but agender, genderqueer, and genderfluid people. People who identify as queer can be thought of as pansexual in some ways, it really works for people

Because it's only racism if it is the Klan. There is no in-between, Klansman or not racist at all.

It'd be one hell of a booby trap.

Can't we just hate them both equally for different reasons?

I don't know you!

Steve Buscemi.

While she maybe shouldn't have flirted with him, nobody could have seriously expected her to start dating a 13 year old boy.

Semen stains the mountaintops

Dang Internet. They don't care whose life they ruin.


Yeah and a lot of her songs are centered around how great being friends with other girls is. The ones that call girls sluts(which at this point are exaggerated) are from when she was quite a bit younger, and while she did have a somewhat homophobic song she apologized for it. I'm not a big fan or anything, but instead

Ehh her parents' lives were defined by what they did in high-school, so maybe as a result she feels like hers will be. Not that it is a correct viewpoint from her, just a possible motivation.

In no particular order; Slumber Party Panic, What Have You Done?, Evicted!, Memories of Boom Boom Mountain, Dungeon, Henchman, My Two Favorite People, Prisoners of Love. Really a lot of them are great, they're just very different in tone from the later episodes. While it is true that you can watch AT in any order

While there should be some sort of humane system for IK, I agree with @avclub-0874d98b2ded08e831644f34ecf0f989:disqus saying that duct tape and his general methods are awful enough to merit such responses. While they have to take into account his magic dementia, he is still a threat and in this episode is shown to be

I can see it but I don't want to. Seriously Colin is so obvious I really can't stand even seeing him, they might as well have skipped the pretense and named him Plotdevice McRebel.

I definitely see your point. Honestly, I'm not crazy about how GB and ML are treated, and how rampant the shipping is, there are quite a few problems. I just think it's fun and I like Nat Allegri's stuff, but everyone has a different opinion on what's funny. Honestly it's not super successful as a genderswap, because

Oh wow I thought it was Ritter, but yeah definitely Johnny Pemberton. Pemberton sounds like if Michael Cera and Jason Ritter had a terribly awkward baby.

Enh I'll give it a shot. SPOILER At least I don't have to deal with Susan Sarandon's character anymore, that should vastly improve matters.