
What about Heroes, where Micah uses technopathic powers to take control of the voting machines and rig the election for Nathan Petrelli?

I am also confused by this. Going by everyone else's numbers, it looks like the over won this week.

Is anyone else wondering how many of the First Generation kids are gay? Because that sex ed lesson had to be even worse for them than for Ben and Amy. Are they going to be pressured to have heterosexual intercourse for the sake of humanity? Wayward Pines… where the closet is home.

I'm fond of the Myth Adventures series, but it's a really odd choice for this list, because all it has in common with ASoIaF is being shelved in the fantasy section. I'd have gone with Robin Hobb's Farseer series: all the political intrigue of Game of Thrones with more magic and a more focused plot.

I admit to crying a little when Holt and Kevin held hands at the end. D'aww…

Yeah, I can see there being lots of people who hate bankers or cops, but why were they all screaming for Jeannie to die? Is there a massive outcry against florists in the future?

I say Victoria cut the brakes it to stop Conrad from confessing. But only because we know Emily didn't do it.

I don't know which surprises me more: that the boys apparently have enough time between hunts to go to the movies, or that no one else in this world knows recent pop culture. (Seriously, nobody caught on to "Agents Stark and Banner"?)

Whatever the state of Paul's personal atonement for his sins, I'm pretty sure Catholic theology is not OK with Emily's methods. Just because he doesn't get to pick his own method of atonement, that doesn't mean she gets free rein. And she's breaking a commandment here, since sending the photo is tantamount to bearing

I suspect Frank just kept the money for himself and figured the Graysons would never find out. That said, I don't think Patrick is completely on the level either; Victoria is too unquestioningly trusting of him.

Hey, where's White Collar? Isn't that coming back in October?

I don't think it's just Korra trusting people who are good at things she's bad at; it's more that she's susceptible to social manipulation. Tenzin is better than Korra at airbending, for instance, but he's always insisting that she be patient and do things the slow way, or reminding her of how much she still has to

It makes me so happy that Elementary decided to use its female Watson to explore a male-female friendship, instead of going to the will they/ won't they well.

I dunno—I think it's topped by Madam Vastra's "Hello, I'm a lizard woman from the dawn of time, and this is my wife" in Doctor Who's "The Snowmen". Actually, Sherlock's line reminded me of that one, in that both characters say it because they enjoy watching the effect their entirely truthful introduction has on the

It didn't seem like Oliver was really necessary for this one. A cowled vigilante seems a little superfluous when the police are about to bust the guy anyway. Though it's odd how McKenna seems so sure they won't catch the Count anytime soon and then suddenly has a CI with all the answers. (And is it just me, or does

It didn't seem like Oliver was really necessary for this one. A cowled vigilante seems a little superfluous when the police are about to bust the guy anyway. Though it's odd how McKenna seems so sure they won't catch the Count anytime soon and then suddenly has a CI with all the answers. (And is it just me, or does

Anyone else notice the name "Andrew Diggle" among Deadshot's tattoos? Seems like we haven't heard the last of whatever happened to Diggle's brother.

Anyone else notice the name "Andrew Diggle" among Deadshot's tattoos? Seems like we haven't heard the last of whatever happened to Diggle's brother.

Does Moffat just have a thing about people jumping off of buildings, or was he deliberately trying to induce Reichenbach flashbacks?

Does Moffat just have a thing about people jumping off of buildings, or was he deliberately trying to induce Reichenbach flashbacks?