
Passing narratives based on sexual orientation still work, too. There was the plotline in Kings—set in an alternate universe, but one with generally modern sensibilities—where gay character Jack was forced by his family's political position to stay in the closet, put on a womanizing party-boy persona, and eventually

Passing narratives based on sexual orientation still work, too. There was the plotline in Kings—set in an alternate universe, but one with generally modern sensibilities—where gay character Jack was forced by his family's political position to stay in the closet, put on a womanizing party-boy persona, and eventually

At least the amnesia plot might give Nick and Juliette the chance to show some chemistry, if he has to court her all over again. It's preferable to what I thought was going to happen, which is Juliette forgetting only that Nick told her about being a Grimm and immediately returning to the status quo.

At least the amnesia plot might give Nick and Juliette the chance to show some chemistry, if he has to court her all over again. It's preferable to what I thought was going to happen, which is Juliette forgetting only that Nick told her about being a Grimm and immediately returning to the status quo.

Possibly the best Ann joke in this episode is that when Michael comes back to Mexico for her, he walks up to a completely different girl that he (and the viewers) assume is Ann until the real Ann calls his name.

Possibly the best Ann joke in this episode is that when Michael comes back to Mexico for her, he walks up to a completely different girl that he (and the viewers) assume is Ann until the real Ann calls his name.

Something I noticed this episode: if Sokka was on the council way back when, that means the council used to include non-benders. (Which it pretty clearly doesn't anymore, or Tarrlok would be getting opposition from someone besides Tenzin.) How are council members selected, anyway? If there were elections, surely the

Something I noticed this episode: if Sokka was on the council way back when, that means the council used to include non-benders. (Which it pretty clearly doesn't anymore, or Tarrlok would be getting opposition from someone besides Tenzin.) How are council members selected, anyway? If there were elections, surely the

To me, Tarrlok's comment about how he had to become someone else implies that he created a false identity before going into politics.

Keeping Nick in the dark about Renard is fine. Keeping the audience in the dark… not so much.

Keeping Nick in the dark about Renard is fine. Keeping the audience in the dark… not so much.

All the clips from previous episodes got on my nerves; it just highlighted how much infodumping the show was doing to remind us of everything that's happened all season. The worst was right before Nick and Juliette went into the trailer, when he was listing all the weird things that Juliette had witnessed—it was like

All the clips from previous episodes got on my nerves; it just highlighted how much infodumping the show was doing to remind us of everything that's happened all season. The worst was right before Nick and Juliette went into the trailer, when he was listing all the weird things that Juliette had witnessed—it was like

Well, if he does know what it is, he can hardly admit that.

To be fair, the lack of Rosalee and the sudden return to the issue of Nick's parents' deaths makes me suspect this episode was intended to air much earlier in the season.

I also want Rosalie to stick around, but the scene where Eddie gives her the flowers was ruined for me because the moment he brought up her saving his life, all I could think about was the scene with Adalind and the cookies at the beginning of the episode. It should have been a really sweet moment, except the earlier

Did anyone think to give poor Daphne a call? She must be wondering what's happened to her husband right about now.

It's been awhile since Boyd got religion in prison, but clearly he's still got the skills to make it as an evangelist preacher.

I like to think that Aidan shot Connor on general principles when he used the word "cochise".

The Grosse Pointe Blank example made me think of the therapist Keller briefly sees in Lawrence Block's Hit Man. When Dr. Breen figures out that his patient is a hit man, his response is to not-so-subtly attempt to manipulate said patient into offing Breen's ex-wife. (Spoiler: this doesn't end well for him.)