
Speaking of that show i was watching a episode of Modern Family during my lunch break and the the gay couples little girl complain about them kissing all the time. I said out loud like when do they ever show them kissing.

I liked this and since it is only like ten minutes a episode it does not take up much of my time. Steven's dad look reminded of Carl from ATHF with his bald head, wife beater and giving up on life pants accept he is not a sleaze. Kind of sad though how Steven's mom gave up her life in order for him to be born. This is

Just got into the Good Wife last week which was good i was lucky that my first episode was one of the shows best. Now i have another show to add to my already full Sunday or i should i say Monday since i work late on Sundays. Scandal this season has been kind of dull i fell asleap during the last episode and did not

I gave up on the show in its first season it was just a Family Guy clone to me. Then i caught the episode that reference Midnight Cowboy and Gilbert Grape and it made me give the show a second chance.

I would have kept Crosby's car because it is a classic and was made to last and he has alot of attachment to it. Another thing it is much easier to trade in the Beatle for a new car since most dealerships don't deal with classic cars.

Maybe they should take a page from The Good Wife and have him start his own agency anything is better then never giving him a storyline. I know it is a good paying job but if i were the actor i would demand that i have a storyline of my own or quit the show.

Can she be on Justfied istead. She can play Raylans girlfriend that does not take any shit from him.

I liked the wrapped up with its spoof of The Talking Dead show especially the end where they show a viewers tweet saying how past there prime Tim and Eric are. This was ok it was less annoying then Awesome show because there was no unfunny cringe worthy momments.

Agree she can rock any look i would like to see her in a flapper look next. One of the little things i like about this season is that the cute boy next door likes Nan someone with a disability instead of someone obvious like the slutty Madison. But this being a Ryan Murphy show i doubt we are going to see a nice

He sure was in alot of crap just by going on all the MST3K episodes that he was featured in.

I like Kid A and Amemisic but they are not my favorites of the band. I like to take the best songs from both albums and combine them to make a killer play list.

This album which i listen to last week would have been so much better if they would have seriously edited it to around 50 minutes or so. All those pointless and long instrumentals really make it drag. Also you have one of the best living rock vocialist guest on your album and you make it so you can't even recognize

Still my favorite Dracula he was just so badass not romantic at all he just wanted blood. He was kinda of a cheap skate though like when he carried his coffin filled with earth instead of just hiring a horse and carriage.

The only thing i recall seeing him in is Velvet Goldmine he played a snotty douchebag Bowie knockoff which he did quite well. The only thing else i know him for is The Tudors but i could never quite get over the fact that he was playing Henry the 8th who of course was short and portly.

Also Richard would have more of a storyline that fits with the other characters instead of him being on his own. I know this is predictable but since Eddie is dead why not have Richard replace him as Nucky's buttler and since he really never replace Owen he can hire him to be his bodyguard as well.

This reminds me so much of Rochele, Rochele, A young girls strange erotic journey from Milan to Minsk. Am i the only one that has does not like to see graphic sex movies in a theater it makes me to uncomfortable.

They should do a spinoff of Holt as a younger man and him dealing with being a openly gay man in the NYPD.

Maybe the stupid Emmy's will finally stop nominating this medicore show. It sure looks that way since i don't think it even won anything this year not even tech awards Boardwalk Empire the better 20s show won alot of those instead.

Just saw the movie the other day and your right Cumberbatch does look like a hobbit. I think he gets away with not being the most handsome because of his speaking voice and he is a good actor. But he sure has been in everything lately.

Cranston really was really only known for playing Tim Watley on Seinfeld before he got his break on that show. If he never did Breaking Bad we would still be thinking of him as the goofy dad from that show. I never like Heaten on Raymond i never really like the show in the first place to tell the truth. She is good