
She can always go to back to Chliton to teach.

If they want to make one of the kids gay why not Max. It would be a interesting storyline.

It is second when it comes to the dramas on Sunday right now. I have seen more episodes of Boardwalk Empire so i know and like it more. BE is quite good they are finnaly giving Chalky a storyline. He is the reason i started to watch the show being a fan of his character Omar from The Wire.

This is a good show and all but it would be so much better if they were to stop having storylines with Alicia's kids. I always end up playing a game on my tablet when they show up in a episode they are so boring.

Nice to know i am not the only one that finds Gina annoying.

Then can if they want to go to the arthouse and see Blue is the Warmest Color.

I think it will it already is declining in popularity. Two years from now the fans of the books would already have moved on to some other piece of thrash book series. It will die a welcome death at the dollar book store along with it's assorted pals like The Twlight and John Grisham books.

Try Sunrise, The Crowd or The Wind which is good despite the tacked on happy ending. I don't know if the Crowd or The Wind is on DVD or not but there is always TCM. Thanks to my mom i saw countless silent movies over the years but for some reason i have not gotten around to Passion of Joan of Arc which i heard is

I always wondered if the leading lady in this was in fact a man in women's clothes. She always look so mannish in this.

The classical piece they used really added to the sadness. I find it odd that this show only gets around 50 comments while the other shows including the new Steven Universe get double of that. Don't people around here watch this show along with Steven Universe and AT like i do.

Also have the directing team behind The Sopranos does not hurt either.

Eli or someone else can take over for him in Atlantic City but he would not be the lead like Bushemi. This show does not really need a lead shows like The Wire did not have one. There was McNutty of course but he was not in every episode and he was hardly in season 4.

Jimmy kind of sucked as a character he really only got interesting towards the end. Never liked the actor he reminded me of a mediocre Dicaprio.

I would not be surprise if they kill off Nucky. Bushemi must get tired of hearing how there are lot more interesting characters then Nucky and he really is not making the role his own. With him leaving it would leave alot more time to devote to the other characters. The show can surive if they would to get rid of him

I really never watched the show just a couple of episodes here and there

Was never a fan of the show but why does a horse face women who is pushing 40 get all these good looking guys. She seems like she was a bitch on top of that. This show was nothing but wish fulliment for the struggling working girls out there who are in there 30s who are not the most attractive.

I don't watch True Blood and the there are some nice looking dudes on the Vikings.

I would go with Boardwalk Empire when it comes to unattractive ensembles when it comes to the men that is. Something is wrong when you lead looks like Golum and your best looking man only has half a face. Of the shows i watch i think Mad Men has the best looking ensemble.

No but i did read Vanity Fair his most famous novel. I thought i would give it a try since i liked Barry Lyndon so much. It was dull so I gave up on it and just went online to read the cliff notes to see how it ended.

What no mention of Eddie the best dog in sitcom history. I lost interest in the show when they showed him less and less as time went on and Moose who played him got older.