
The only deaths i felt sad for were those cute pigs and maybe the rat that open the episode. I could not give a shit if the dude from the Wire's chick died or any of the random boring characters that died during this episode. I think the two actors who came from the Wire have talks about how much better there

This Kristina runs for Mayor storyline needs to end. NBC does not even like it because i notice that in the comericals for this show they never mention despite it being a big storyline. I would like to have more storylines at the Lunchete Adam wanting to set up a record label is a good start.

This is good news i am glad i started watching it.

The only new shows that i continue to watch are Sleepy Hollow and Brooklyn 99 which i got into this weekend and liked. I like that they have a gay character that is not a sterotype and the get humor from him from other things and him being gay is not one of them. I would like to see Master of Sex but i don't have

He should have stucked with guest performances on other tv shows. The show has no style of its own and is very outdated looking. I really only watch the first episode because i heard Bunk was in it but he is not the same with out his ability to cuss.

I am sure he does not need to pay rent on that cabin and since he is from the past he knows how to live without modern convieneces so his utilities are low.

When are they going to give Crane a makeover and new clothes. I don't mean to dress him in suits and give him a shave and a hair cut though. He could use a trim and some style to his long hair and they can find him clothes that are a more modern version of what he wears. He can always hire some tailor to make modern

Hasbeen is just a lot easier to type then a former star who is past there prime and not as successful as they used to be when they were younger.

NBC needs to stop with these shows with hasbeens from the past decades. It isn't working the Michael J. Fox show is not doing as well as they thought it would and Sean Saves The World is going to get canceled. Now they are going to do pilots like this and the one with Meg Ryan. They should concentrate on finding well

It was odd seeing Michael K. Williams in a sex scene with a women i am so used to him being Omar. Is this the first time he had a sex scene with a women because the only other show i seen him in was a small part on the last episode of season three of The Sopranos.

The Middle is doing steady it helps that it is the best live action sitcom on tv right now.

Is Maggie the blond chick that babysits or is she the one who is with Glen i forget all the women are so boring. Also what is the name of the second old white dude again.  I think the only reason that Michonne is my favorite of the women is that she is a badass with a ninja sword she just needs a better personality.

I liked last weeks episodes as well it was the first i saw since i gave up on it last year. But it looks like they could not keep it up.

I think it is since it is already in syndication and the ratings are pretty bad. I am acutally surprise that it lasted this long since unlike another show that had the same problems in the ratings 30 Rock it never wins any Emmys.

With all the shit load of adaptations of this i always wondered why they never gotten around to doing one where the two leads were gay.

I gave up on it last week after i fell asleep during it. If i hear it starts getting better then i will give it another try. This show just reminds me of a medicore CW show with a bigger budget. I get why they could not get Iron Man and the other heros to come on this show but that does not mean that they have to make

Most likely it is going to be a safe VU song like Sunday Morning. I seriously doubt is going to be something like Waiting for the Man Ryan Murphy would not be that taseless i think.

I will state the obvious he is just jealous of the success of Breaking Bad both critically and commercially. The last time he did a good movie was the early 90s.

Taco Bell is dead to me i ate there before work and then i started to have the worst case of flatulence. It was so humiliating. There is better mexican food out there even frozen meals are better then them.

But isn't season 3 already filmed. So i doubt he will be returning but there is always next year.