
I loved it. Tyler was all in the Revenge Business and left her, Klaus is an appealing older man (and let's face it- vampires are amped up versions of their human selves and Caroline ain't a Girl Scout, and that's why she rocks), so why not? Plus- SHE'S BEEN RAGGING ON ELENA FOR SLEEPING WITH DAMON. Because Damon, you

You are NOT alone. Ian Somerhalder becomes magically hotter the minute Damon's glowering comes from An Evil/Cranky Place.

So you're going to ignore the fact that the show also pretty much foreshadows Kefan? She's a doppelganger too, right? So if the show says that she and Stefan are going to end up together, by your logic that's not going happen either. :p


I would pretty much love that to pieces. #RileyFangirl

The show is actually foreshadowing the two doppelgangers getting together, so I'm thinking that precisely because of that, Katherine is going to end up with Damon (because who better than another snarky,sexy attention-whore to keep her company?). And Stelena's journey to the endgame (because they are SO not ready to

Pfft. DOPPELGANGERS DON'T REBOUND. Actually, they do- Katherine and Klaus, yes. But to answer your question I'm thinking that's probably what Aaron is there for.

(Damn site keeps kicking me off or asking me to authenticate. WHAT THE HELL.)

OW? Damn, how did I miss that?! sez the woman who still hasn't actually seen that bit in Pulped Fiction where they plunge the Hypo into Uma's chest with extreme prejudice. Jaysus.

That and Elena turning human again. *sigh* I wonder if sending the producers and network execs packets of vervain (verbena?) seeds would help. I mean, it sort of worked for Jericho, right?

When you type "RIPPAAAAAAHHH!" I get tingly and a vampire gets its fangs. Just sayin'.

You're not wrong. And if they have a "teenager" on this show say, "I'm not going to date for a while. I need some Me Time" I will literally rip my TV set out of the wall and find away to get it into Plec's bed, Godfather style. No.

Haha! "REVAMPED". I was just thinking I'd like her to be re-humaned.

Sort of yes, sort of no. Damon IS a psychopath, but he's so awesome at it that he's fun to watch. What's NOT fun is when he's dating a girl who keeps harping on it every time history coughs up another fun fact about his misdeeds, and how good he COULD be. As a viewer, I say- Ain't broke, don't need fixin'. Just needs

Pfft. I hated Katherine through that flashback and beyond, right up until that moment when I realized she was Nadia's mother, but then I KEPT HATING HER. That doesn't mean I don't think she's awesome, I just find her annoying and grating. BUT I LOVE IT.

I DO! Dear God, that was glorious on glorious. Not gonna google (because nobody got time for that) but the mom was so wretched and annoying and yet so interesting. I miss that whole thing. It seemed so train-wrecky at the outset but coalesced into awesomeness. Wait, was it Trudy? No, that was the friend…

Yeah. The issue of Meredith might also have boiled down to the fact that a.) too many characters and b.) she originally is a student who ends up with Alaric.

Funny. Elbert Hubbard the American author, publisher and writer (1856-1915) said "A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you just the same."

And a full pint every time someone says "Choice", "Change", or "Augustine".

"I'm not defending you. I'm not defending your decision to kill Aaron's entire family. To go out of town to kill his aunt while we were still together."