
IT'S TIME FOR THE AIRING OF THE no, never did like that show. Sorry. :p

No, this is going to be a living wake (see: Empire Records) just to get all the feelz out and let her know they loathe her and maybe do a little laughing and crying and hugging and growing over their mutual dislike of her.

Seriously? They took out Meredith because of DeVito and Wesley's real life divorce? Man. Wish they'd 86'd Delena because Dobrev and Somerhalder broke up. :p

You've sort of hit on everything I've been thinking since they explained away the sire bond- without the excuse of a supernatural force drawing them together the relationship is a trope and nothing more. They don't actually like each other. The only way he challenges her (going back to Rose telling Jeremy that they'd

I can't decide if you're on a roll today or if you've just given in to the snarky awesome that was within you all along. If you wrote recaps for this show, I'd read 'em.

THIS. All of it.

Actually, I think the writers are pushing her back toward Stefan a little based on, for one GLARING thing, that fight she had with Damon at the end of the episode. And while she seems pretty pale in comparison to Katherine I think she's going to end up with Stefan in the end- but not before we find out she (Elena) is

Really? Read my comment all the way through this time- we're on the same page. :p.

Yeah, the retconning, THE RETCONNING. Not a fan. And despite the fact that Katherine and Damon end up together in the books, I'm sort of rooting for Katherine and Stefan to hook up. Which is disturbing, but Katherine is a stronger, more appealing character at this point. Really really hope the writers figure out how

Late to the party, as usual, but I bring snacks! The problem with this show is that I want it to be good, but watching and talking about it every week means that the chinks in the armor are more obvious. For instance:

I loved the last line but I would have paid cash money to hear Nick say "Go home, Jack, I'm doing you a favor!" Him or Wu. Either way.

Continuing coverage would be good. This week's episode could use some discussin'.


As near as I can figure, being the anchor means you don't get to cross over it means you're a conduit. It seemed like Amara was going a little batshit from having dead folks use her to John Edward to the afterlife, so maybe that was punishment enough? Because Amara would be able to see Silas, but like Bonnie and

Yeah, that's all wrong. It's like the writers came up with this as a special new torture just for Bonnie or something. Also, does this means she's an anchor or a portal? SEMANTICS ARE NOT OUR FRIEND HERE, PEOPLE.

Yeah, but that show is *all* about the doppelganger relationships and TVD is… wait, I had an argument. I did. I swear…

ALL OF THE DISHES. There are not enough dishes IN THE WORLD. (Yeah, I really beat that dead equine, didn't I?)

RIGHT? That was cracky in the extreme.

Aside from the broken escalators and the red line train that conked out and stranded commuters for more than an hour this morning? You're not wrong.

I hope so. He can't just be dead. The cure needs to hop to someone else, dammit!