
*stillwashing* Wait, sorry, what now?

Fun fact- the Channel 4 talking head in the kitchen scene is Jim Vance, who is an actual Channel 4 news guy. Best cameo ever and the closest thing to DC these folks get right (seriously, that is NOT the way our Metro looks and there is no such station as "DC Metro", just FYI). Other than that I got nuthin' except for

You probably saw this already, but this show will be back for a fourth season. While I’m all but certain that season will have something to do with werewolves, I am hoping that my dream of American Horror Story: Squatchin’ sees its time in the sun.

Had to stop the rewatch to observe, once again, the stunning amount of expositional setup they are shoving into every episode. Not unlike the repetition of phrases including the words "shove" "cure" "down" "throat"..

Thanks for that. I remain unimpressed by the costumer's laziness, but hey- clearly they spent 5 minutes on… something.

"I really thought we left the diaries behind when Elena burned them. No more diaries!"

I'm still torqued they burnt the Pega-sail. Dang.

Another show about vampires, but this one tackling the original Coppola-fed uber-myth. WHEEEE! This is gonna be FUN!

Henh. I gotcha.

Okay, good points all. I just realized that I was laboring under the assumption that despite the amnesia he still knew he was a vampire. But I'm rewatching and apparently I missed some little conversational nuances during that driving scene at the beginning. (ETA: And the sentence "You spent all day convincing me I'm

"Where is Katherine. Come and meet the new Stefan."

Yeah, I guess that makes sense (although a tiny part of me is really torqued that I'm agreeing that when a girl flirts she as to "pay up" or risk making someone angry). I think the issue I had was that I had this image of him reacting more like Original Recipe Stefan did: "Oh, gee, okay. My bad." instead of flipping

I love how Murphy takes these broad caricatures of ignorance and discrimination and makes them talk so we can gnash our teeth at how truly ridiculous they are. Of course LaLaurie would flip out about Obama. And of course Murphy would want us to laugh at her for being all out of touch and stuff. I mean seriously- heard

It's weird, and I like that you thought that, but I saw that bit as Tyler appearing and throwing off the rhythm of her carefully scripted lil' homilies. But on watching it again, not sure you're not wrong.

Here's hoping!

Echoing Dr. Jacoby (stupid disqus) with another "no", but in larger letters because this show DEFINITELY needs that friendship factor. While on one level it would be hilarious if after Stefan blew Caroline off in the pilot she blew him off at this stage, the writers really REALLY should not go that route. Cheapens all

It does sound weird, but at least they're being consistent, you know? And since the name means "to do with honor" I'm willing to accept a pronunciation, however misguided, that fits in with "honor" rather than "on-oar". Random, but the way her name keeps coming up, and she did make an appearance in a flashback makes

Yes on all of that. Really torn on the amnesia thing, tbh. On one hand, genius move to reset the character, but on another it's already a trainwreck. If they'd teased it out over a few episodes it might have been better, but c'mon. Really?

"If you don't remember your brother, or your old girlfriend, why would it matter so much that your brother is now dating her?"

Late to the party, but just catching up on this episode and I knew I was done as soon as I started wondering if Crazypants Guy was using Gorilla Tape to put up that plastic sheeting in the bathroom. Yeah, done.