
So I was actually being sarcastic, and thought the CAPSLOCK made that clear (because who talks like that, seriously), but your response has me intrigued. I only recently joined this site but I've been watching from the beginning and I'm not sure how anyone could think the triangle was NOT the whole point. When you say

Good point- we did see a heart and a lot of blood but no body, which I found odd. You get Silas' reaction, but not what he's looking at, and it's not like Nina Dobrev wasn't available to lie on the floor with her tongue hanging out or something.

Well, really, he had a thing for her too, but I think in their case the vampirism was the dealbreaker because Katherine was selfish and wanted to build her own little family with both her doppelganger other and his brother. Either that or Damon is special. (Please, no…)

Sweet Christmas. I was thinking of going out there for Halloween, between The Originals and AHS:Coven and two couches I can stay on I've had a jones for awhile. You just sold it, AND creeped me the hell out, in one. Wowzers.

"Marcel's smile is the new Damon's eyebrows." THIS.

Well spotted. Seriously. That's a guy with some skills. When Gregor/Matt was giving Nadia the business it was like seeing Nina Dobrev first do Katherine. That moment of, "This may be a cheesy show about vampires, but lookit- they can act!".

Ooh. That's right- the dead roommate. Love how that got rolled up in the rug and tossed in the garbage. And yes, Traveler stuff for the win.

I KNOW! I think she tweeted about that at 6am as she was going to bed after her usual glass of wine and another spin of The Fray's latest. (WHY AM I FOLLOWING THAT WOMAN? I COULD GHOST TWEET HER IN MY SLEEP. MY SLEEP.)

That sounds appropriately 18yo girl-ish to me. MAKE IT SO. Hoping we get some Bonnie and Caroline next week, but will settle for more Matt and some Stefan-amnesia.

Thanks.That would have bothered me for longer than I care to admit. At least a week. Or the next five minutes.

Yeah, that didn't make sense to me either. Why did Katherine manage to be the one doppelganger to screw it up?

Right? I hate that I was supposed to feel something for this pairing and yet the minute they began to declare their love of bad choices I suddenly had this insane urge to wash dishes. And I have a machine that does that for me. Seriously. I was so embarrassed for both actors and nauseated by the writer I literally got

I love that they brought in the original doppelganger, but I feel like killing her should have had some really epic consequences that have yet to be revealed. Also, a little help- because the CW website is wonky and I don't want to wait a week for Hulu to cough up the goods- remind me how Imara's doppelganger was

Elena/Stefan are show canon because they're book canon. What's a bit sad is that Elena/Damon could be an awesome coupling and one to root for. Except that the writers have done such a great job of making Damon such a dick and given him and Elena such horrifyingly sappy and dense and practically unintelligible blocks

Oh, agreed. I doubt they make the effort, or they do and the voters chuckle quietly, go back to ignoring Tatiana Maslany, and toss the submitted eps in the garbage. It's a shame- I genuinely get the feeling that Roerig, Dobrev, and Wesley wouldn't Heigl the writers to the press and it would be nice to see a show

Oh, honey, that's what this page is for. No judgey-faces, no one rolling their eyes. But seriously, there are places you can find like minded RL friends through fandom, but it's like singing "Small World" to get Bruno Mars out of your head- the cure is worse than the symptoms. (Seriously. Livejournal. Blargh.)

What's funny about your review is that you keep harshing on the triangle. Silly you. THE TRIANGLE IS THE WHOLE POINT.

Didn't see the bathtub crying scene. Was that after Nan and Fiona were discussing the cobblestones covering Madam LaLurie? Because that's when my cable cut out and I figured it was 11pm and thus the show was over anyway. Madison is still a budding psycho though. That's happening.

"Of the new cast members, I’d say Angela Bassett—who’s having marvelous fun as Marie Laveau (and if you don’t know who that is, you’ve obviously never played Gabriel Knight: Sins Of The Father and for shame)"
Or read American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Gosh.

It's weird, but when Cory Monteith died I hit a wall with this show- it was kind of the straw that broke the Stockholm Syndrome's back. Between not trusting Ryan Murphy to handle this with class, the ongoing continuity issues (Henh. The fact that the issues are ongoing is the only continuous thing about this show.),