
"What you guys don't understand is that I appreciate the reviews MOST for the shows none of my friends are watching. Which, this season, seems to be everything campy."

Cut the other five too. 'The Originals' is only 13 eps in and wore out its welcome about 10 ago (renewed for a second season? REALLY?). Same with 'Reign', which is just fanfiction and just horrifying (except the costumes, which are BOSS). No idea what 'Regular Show' is. 'Raising Hope' and 'Cougar Town' can be boiled

"I really, really, really x infinity appreciated how briskly they moved the entire Clarissa thing along. They hit… Like… Five episodes worth of story beats for that one storyline in this episode. To go from "Woah, wait, is Catherine's reaction telling us without words that Clarissa's her kid?" to the mother-daughter

He had three bastards, one of which was discovered and trotted out as proof that he wasn't the problem.

They had 10 kids, 7 of whom survived to adulthood. And three bahstids- a daughter and two illegitimate sons (both named Henri). The daughter and one of the Henris were legitimized. Henri de Valois (?) became governor of yes I'm a little obsessed because I can sort of see where they got the idea of Bash from but I'm

According to booky things, Francis is, indeed, the son of Catherine and Henry II.

Yeah, where are Charles and Henry III in all this? Oh wait, they come back in three weeks. Maybe Francis took them out for ice cream?

You're not wrong, which is why I find both characters sort of unsatisfying and confusing. I'd almost rather they'd made them two cut and dried stereotypes rather than shadows.

Yeah, the grain stabbing scene is kind of my favorite. When I was watching last night the lighting was crap and I seriously thought Bash got jabbed in the side and spent the rest of the episode with a stiff upper lip and was doing to pass out from The Pain while they were smooching at the end. I was hoping for it. And

LOL Whut? Nah, I mean he said something in an interview about how he hopes the writers will take Bash back to his wild man roots. At which point I was totally confused.

CW website.

What's weird is that Coombs has indicated that Bash was characterized as a womanizer and he wants to get back to that. Viewer says wha~? So lost with that one. He seems like Coombs' character in jPod- wikkid smart with a messed up childhood but sekritly a virgin.

Yeah, it wasn't until the end of the episode that I was like "Isn't Francis in this?".I could swear I saw a promo showing Francis skeeving on Lola but I don't see that anywhere, so… confused.

"Catherine actually dies of old age."

Where in God's green did my profile go.


Somewhere on ff.net the fangirls are giggling.

I took it as Stefan being a loyal friend and the writers trying to tease a pairing (which better not happen, dammit, because Steroline is an adorable friendship that I love more than chocolate).

Right. Which is why that whole whiny post-high school midlife crisis moment grated like whoa. Who knew Tyler could be such a w00b?

Wouldn't it be awesome if, instead of Damon breaking the doppelganger curse, Matt and Kathena ended up together (Kalena? Henh. We need to find a name for two female characters sharing the same body.)?