
It was actually May's remark but of course everybody but Ward was on the same page, literally nodding their heads in agreement.

Leaving bruises and breaks on Major should lead to tiresome legal complications and public attention for the non-zombie cops who put the scary dudes in with Major.
I think they were just trying to scare Major. It was a prison rape joke at his expense. And our amusement?

I heard the dialogue. Frankly, I think if they can illegally imprison metahumans they can illegally disimprison Dr. Allen without losing any more sleep than they already are. So, trying to trade Cisco's life for another shot at a confession still seems like a huge character choice.

I could have sworn the biggest and most stunning dramatic choice of the night was Barry's attempt to save Wells even as he was murdering Cisco. So that's who Barry is?

I could never rewatch the first one without the extra impact of the big screen (and novelty,) unlike the Thor and Captain America movies (and the first Iron Man.) But I expect they'll deliver the spectacle on a big screen again, so I'm in this Saturday.

I haven't seen most of the L&O spinoffs. But in an article that spends time talking about format and formula manage not to seem to understand what the original L&O format even was: A half hour cop show seguing into a half hour lawyer show? That's not SVU's format. I'm not absolutely certain but I don't think Wolf

I don't know whether Stein thought he was tranked by the Army, which is the only reasonable explanation I can think of. They explicitly showed him thinking he was just faint, though.

The bottle said "BLEACH."

Well, this is a sensible objection, and it nicely explains why I didn't opt for the "Oliver is a racist I'll never watch again" charge. Though to nitpick I don't think Oliver has ever (nor should he) attack Obama in this kind of way. As for the other foreigners, I don't see that the US government objects to pandering

Rebecca planted Lila's phone in Wes' apartment. That wasn't an accident. It was intended to provide "evidence" that Sam murdered Lila. At the very least, Annalise ordered to do so. It is of course the murderer who is most likely to have Lila's phone, having taken it from her corpse. Sam the so-called murderer would

All John Oliver really has to remember is that Correa is another populist president in Latin America and that he's already survived one attempted overthrow. Unlike you, I don't think that makes them mere "political enemies," but genuine bad guys far more deserving of Oliver's wit than Correa. The National Police

The fawning on the late King Abdullah was much, much more pathetic than anything Correa has said. And that's just one of the most recent and vivid examples to come to mind.

It's the internet/social media, which means that some of Tiko Tiko defenders are not ironically applauding Oliver for attacking Correa. Some of them really are upset at the insult to Tiko Tiko.

You said it so much better than I did!

Let me munch on my freedom fries while I ponder this stunning argument.

You're quite right, I forgot to repeat several times this was merely my best judgment as to Oliver's thinking. As a matter of fact, he could have been just sharing the pleasure of making fun of the ignorant brown man. How arrogant of me to rule that out!

Correa is not a dictator, even if indigenous peoples don't like his concessions policy. Oliver is taking a whack at Correa because he supports the US government, which doesn't like foreign leaders whose governments provide widespread benefits to the majority of the population. Oliver evidently feels he has to balance

I think that enough bleach and scrubbing does indeed destroy blood spatter. The problem is finding all the spatters.

Well, that came out of nowhere. I have no idea what Annalise could gain from setting up her alibi for the time of the murder. She's on record as saying that she was with Nick, so if he was busy murdering Sam, she was in on it. The most likely thing I can think of is discrediting the police by dangling a red herring,

Compare the men's SOs: Cookie and Annika; Rhonda and the deputy mayor; Tiana and Camilla; Michael. As the puzzle says, which one doesn't belong? Rafael de la Fuentes could be the next Laurence Olivier and it wouldn't help. Playing the poor but good girl in this line up is a hopeless task, because this show is about